It’s the second largest crime industry in the world, next only to illegal drugs.
And it depends upon the abortion industry to keep its illicit machinery functioning at maximum capacity.
We’re talking about human sex trafficking. Chances are you’ve encountered multiple victims without even knowing it.
They are all around you.
So are the perpetrators.
As are the “buyers” commonly known as johns.
Like any criminal activity, human trafficking is driven by money. According to Nita Belles with Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans, if a trafficker has three girls, he can make approximately $650,000 a year. Large events like the Super Bowl are magnets for traffickers to victimize youth and “recruit” others.
In a paper titled The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, the authors base their findings on a study of survey respondents – over 100 women and girls who were trafficking victims or survivors in the USA. Some of their findings are alarming:
- The average respondent reported having 13 sexual encounters a day, some reporting as many as 30 to 50
- 67.3% experienced some form of STD or infection
- Of the 66 who gave an answer regarding the number of pregnancies they experienced, 71.2% said they had at least one while being trafficked, 21.2% of these reported five or more pregnancies
- Of the 64 who responded to an inquiry of how many miscarriages they experienced, 54.7% had at least one and 29.7% reported more than one
- Sixty-seven responded to the question of how many had an abortion. 55.2% of them reported at least one and 29.9% reported multiple abortions
Marlene Carson was forced into human trafficking at 15 and eventually became a “bottom girl” or manager to oversee things when the pimp was absent. Marlene said abortion was often part of the equation. When the need arose, she would hire a woman to pose as the girl’s parent or guardian to facilitate STD treatment or abortions. Marlene has two children from trafficking who are alive today because of her position within the ranks. Even so, she had to beg the pimp for the lives of her children. In the case of a 14-year-old girl, Marlene had the house raided by police to rescue her from a forced abortion.
Marlene now helps free women from trafficking. To demonstrate how easy it is to recruit young girls, she went to the local mall in a wealthy area of town and befriended three teenagers. Within 17 minutes she had them in her car.
Human trafficking is so pervasive Delta Airlines is educating their employees to look for warning signs. Special signage is going up at gates educating passengers on what to look for, plus providing numbers for victims to text or call.
Traffickers are absolutely ruthless and will victimize anyone who can generate income, including a three-month-old infant and her five-year-old sister. One former victim was a college graduate with a master’s degree.
The buyers are from all walks of life: esteemed politicians, judges, businessmen, law enforcement, attorneys, social workers, and even pastors.
There are signs you can look for that indicate a child may be a victim:
- With an older person who speaks for them
- Won’t look you in the eye – a cardinal rule for victims unless they’re with a john
- Looks out of place at a truck stop or another environment
- A brand on the neck or arm
- In possession of one or more hotel key cards
We have a free comprehensive downloadable resource to help you and others.
Awareness is essential to ending human trafficking. The only thing traffickers want from us is silence. If you see suspicious activity, phone this easy-to-remember hotline 888-373-7888. Tell them what you’ve observed and they will take it from there.
Abortion is a necessary partner to drive human trafficking. Help put both out of business.
For the innocent and vulnerable,
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