The time is now. Our country has an unprecedented opportunity to defund Planned Parenthood and to end the reign of this abortion behemoth. No civil society should provide taxpayer funding to a corporation who purposefully kills innocent pre-born humans and benefits financially from doing so.
Indeed, Planned Parenthood has shown itself to be a bad actor in many other ways, including its apparent willingness to profit from aborted baby parts, its promotion of abortion to teens, its concealment of sexual abuses, and its strong resistance to any abortion industry reforms that would ensure the safety of women.
Moreover, Protecting Black Life, an outreach of Life Issues Institute, documented in its 2012 research that Planned Parenthood targets women of color for abortion by placing 79 percent of its surgical abortion facilities within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.
Worse yet, our recent research shows that the abortion giant has accelerated this targeting of minorities near its 25 new abortion mega-centers.
Protecting Black Life evaluated the populations within walking distance (2 mile radius) of each of these 25 abortion mega-centers and found that an alarming 88 percent (22 of 25) target women of color. Disturbingly, 80 percent target Black communities, 56 percent target Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods and 80 percent target one or more colleges. In total, 96 percent (24 of 25) of the mega-centers target women of color, college women, or both.
These abortion mega-centers represent Planned Parenthood’s design for the future as it attempts to capture the lion’s share of a declining abortion market and to cash in on Obamacare’s promise of taxpayer-funded abortions. By moving to larger facilities with high-volume abortion capacity and by locating in dense urban areas where high concentrations of abortion–vulnerable clients are assured, it has enacted a business strategy intended to increase abortion revenue and squeeze out competition.
As a result, Planned Parenthood has built 25 abortion mega-centers with 10,000 square feet or more, since 2004. To optimize its abortion business, it would have carefully charted the placement of these facilities, and it has clearly chosen locations that target minorities.
The Guttmacher Institute, a former arm of Planned Parenthood, has claimed that abortion facilities do not target minority neighborhoods. Its study suggests that only 9 percent of abortion facilities are in neighborhoods where Blacks are the majority of the population (at least 50 percent), and only 12 percent are located in neighborhoods where Hispanics are a majority of the population.
How could this be so? To find out, we used Guttmacher’s method to evaluate populations near the abortion mega-centers and then we compared it to our own population data results. We can show that Guttmacher’s analysis is flawed and consequently, their conclusions are false and misleading.
Guttmacher’s approach only examines the population data of the zip code area of the abortion facility. In contrast, Protecting Black Life’s research collects race/ethnicity data for the entire population within two miles of the abortion facility using census tract areas, which have characteristics similar to neighborhoods.
Two maps of the Houston abortion mega-center area illuminate the difference in the two methods. Fig. 1 above shows the results of the census tract analysis,with the yellow dot showing the location of the abortion facility and the black circle indicating the 2 mile radius area. The smaller defined areas in red or blue are census tracts.
Nearly all of the census tracts show percentages higher than 50 percent; African American percentages are shown in the blue census tracts and Hispanic/Latino percentages in the red. Obviously, this Planned Parenthood abortion mega-center is surrounded by majority Black and Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
Fig. 2 shows a map of Houston zip code areas; the yellow dot and black circle mark the same locations as in Fig.1. Guttmacher’s approach analyzes only the population of zip code area 77023, where the mega-center is located. Clearly, this zip code area covers only a portion of the 2 mile radius area. One can see that the abortion facility is virtually across the road from an adjacent zip code area, down the street from others, and very close to the University of Houston.
While the Guttmacher analysis identifies the 87.6 percent Hispanic population in zip code area 77023, it completely misses the existence of the Black communities in the adjoining zip code areas of 77003, 77004, and 77021. Therein lies the problem with Guttmacher’s study and conclusions.
Because it is fundamentally limited, Guttmacher’s method neglects to find the minority populations near many of the mega-centers. Fig. 3 shows six examples of the very different results achieved using Guttmacher’s single zip code area approach vs. Protecting Black Life’s census tracts within walking distance approach.
The examples in Fig. 3, above, illustrate how Guttmacher found very few minority neighborhoods near the abortion facilities in their study. As it turns out, they weren’t really looking. It better serves their abortion agenda to mislead the public with an incomplete analysis.
For the sake of comparison in these examples, we used Guttmacher’s premise that minority neighborhoods exist only if they represent at least 50 percent, or a majority, of the population in a given area. But since African Americans make up 12.6 percent of the national population, and Hispanics only 16.3 percent, we believe this assumption serves to deliberately ignore many minority neighborhoods.
Instead, our research used the Black population of the surrounding county as a comparison.
If the census tract Black population percentage was 1.5 times higher than the county Black percentage, or above 50 percent, we recognized it as a notable Black presence in that area, as long as it also reached a reasonable minimum percentage of 12.6 percent.
Make no mistake. Even if Guttmacher ignores these lower percentages for the purpose of its study, Planned Parenthood tracks all of the minority neighborhoods when it chooses locations for its abortion facilities.
Protecting Black Life’s 2012 research thoroughly analyzed the racial populations surrounding the 165 Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities operating in 2010, and uncovered this unmistakable reality in the process.
When possible, Planned Parenthood placed its facilities near the highest minority populations in the area and optimized its proximity to each of the vulnerable populations. Often, a Black neighborhood would be on one side of the facility, a Hispanic/Latino neighborhood on the other side, and a college or two sprinkled around, all within walking distance of Planned Parenthood’s abortions and influence.
This is nothing new. Minority groups have complained for decades that Planned Parenthood has been targeting their communities, and Protecting Black Life’s research substantiated that claim with clear evidence. Unfortunately, the effect of these abortion facilities in minority neighborhoods has been both cultural and lasting.
Planned Parenthood’s influence begins with the young people. It targets teens in the community with so-called comprehensive sexuality education programs that promote teen sexual activity. The need for birth control and abortion logically follow.
The fact that Planned Parenthood benefits financially from encouraging this behavior gives credence to the idea that its presence in these communities is a self-serving strategy to generate more abortion income.
According to Guttmacher, Black women in 2011 had the highest unintended pregnancy rates at 79 per 1000 (aged 15-44) compared to 33 for white women. Also according to Guttmacher, Black women received 30 percent of the abortions in 2011, while Blacks are only 12.6 percent of the population; Hispanic women received 25 percent of the abortions, while Hispanics are only 16.3 percent of the population. Combined, these minorities received 55 percent of the abortions but are only 29 percent of the population.
Furthermore, according to the CDC, Black women average 1.6 more pregnancies over their lifetime than white women but are five times more likely to have an abortion.
Hispanic women average 1.5 times more pregnancies than white women and are 2.3 times more likely to have an abortion. Even if other factors contribute to these sad statistics, Planned Parenthood’s presence and promotion of abortion in these minority communities cannot be discounted or ignored.
Planned Parenthood earned at least $178 million for the 323,999 abortions it performed in 2014, using a conservative estimate of $550 average abortion cost.
This means that 58 percent of its health clinic revenue comes from abortions. To intentionally obscure this reality, it claims abortions are only 3 percent of its services by counting each condom, each pack of pills, etc., as a service.
In truth, 94.3 percent of pregnant women seeking help from Planned Parenthood get an abortion; 0.6 percent get adoption referrals and 5.1 percent get any form of pre-natal care. Abortion drives the business, and maximizing abortions serves its best interest, but not necessarily those of the women it purports to serve.
Despite Guttmacher’s willingness to mislead the public with faulty research and Planned Parenthood’s protestations that it is trying to serve poor women, the numbers are in and the truth is out. Planned Parenthood’s overwhelming presence near minority communities is evidence of its intentions to promote abortions in these populations.
Its founder, Margaret Sanger, tried to limit the growth of minority populations with the 1939 Negro Project, a targeted birth control scheme, but Planned Parenthood is now guilty of the worst and most deadly type of racism — a pattern of eugenic abortion that kills the offspring of certain races or ethnicities.
Whether the rationale for this killing is profit, greed, delusion, race hatred, or pure malice, it doesn’t matter. The result is the same. It kills the children of a race, and its effect is to eventually decimate a racial population.
With a current death of over 800 Black babies per day, abortion has killed an estimated 17 million Black babies since 1973, a substantial loss to a Black population that numbers only 42 million. The long-term toll of this tragedy on the Black community and indeed, on all humanity, is immeasurable.
By purposely placing its facilities in areas that ensure higher abortion rates in minority populations, Planned Parenthood is a leader and an active participant in this genocide, no matter what its motivation.
The Hyde Amendment has prevented the government from funding abortions for over 30 years. You never mention the issue of how class relates to race. This is a class-gender-race issue. There is a big hole in your theory. Planned Parenthood is the #1 provider of preventative forms of birth control, if you take it away, there will be MORE abortions. You are openly wishing for the nostalgia of communist Nicolae Ceaușescu’s Romania where abortion was outlawed by the state.
Fact is, millions of people are never seeing existence because of selfishness and corporate greed. You are openly wishing a return to the child-sacrificing worship of the ancient East.
The Hyde Amendment allows for federally funded abortions in cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother. Now you could argue all day about whether you think those cases should be funded, but don’t let anyone lie to you: our federal government (tax dollars) fund abortions every day.
I wonder what the demographics of PP clinic employees is compared with the clients?