
Planned Parenthood’s Road Not Taken

ve8QAd   |   March 08, 2017

During the mid-1990s Planned Parenthood was at a crossroad. Their new president was advocating a different direction for the organization.

Had they taken her advice, this abortion industry giant wouldn’t be facing the potentially devastating loss of Medicaid funding, as well as jeopardizing their future.

Pamela Maraldo wanted Planned Parenthood to become a provider of a wide variety of healthcare services to women.

When Planned Parenthood’s formidable president, Faye Wattleton, left to host a TV talk show, Pamela Maraldo was chosen to succeed her. But she lasted only two years, “resigning” in July 1995, according to The New York Times, after failing to win a vote of confidence at a special board meeting.

Bill Clinton had just become president and the future of abortion looked secure, so donations to the organization were down. Maraldo, a former top executive of the National League for Nursing, seemed to be the perfect person to right the listing ship. Maraldo devised a way to hitch Planned Parenthood’s wagon to the lucrative era of managed healthcare. She advocated Planned Parenthood change its focus by restructuring itself into a broad health organization and have every affiliate become a women’s healthcare provider offering diverse medical services.

Diverting Planned Parenthood’s central focus off of abortion was Maraldo’s fatal mistake.

The idea was soundly unpopular with zealous abortion advocates who argued that Planned Parenthood would stray from its fundamental mission – providing abortion.

Maraldo was summarily dumped.

Lately, one would offer a king’s ransom to be a fly on the wall in Planned Parenthood’s boardroom. Speculating that the conversation is tense would be an understatement. Any old-timers seated at that expansive table who recall Maraldo’s efforts of two decades earlier might be kicking themselves. Had they followed her leadership, Planned Parenthood probably wouldn’t be looking down the barrel of congressional action that may greatly impact their future.

Recently, President Donald Trump extended a legitimate offer to Planned Parenthood. Get out of the abortion business and keep your boatload of federal funding, but continue the wanton slaughter of over 300,000 babies each year and you’ll do without.

Planned Parenthood bet its future on an abortion-first business plan.

Abortion is practically all Planned Parenthood offers. Nearly 95% of the pregnant women who go there have an abortion. It has become a critical source of revenue.

Their marketing strategy shows the abortion giant is going after the most plentiful source of abortion clientele – women of color.

Since 2004, Planned Parenthood has built 25 mega abortion centers of 10,000 square feet or more. A whopping 88% of them are located in neighborhoods of women of color. Overall, 79% of their surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of Black and/or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods. A reality that has come back to haunt them.

Pamela Maraldo, now 69 years old and the executive director of Girls Incorporated, is getting the last laugh.

But far from heeding the president’s invitation to jettison their violent agenda against babies and mothers, Planned Parenthood is digging in its heels to fight for the unfettered right to inflict death by abortion.

Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood’s executive vice president said, “Providing critical health care services for millions of American women is nonnegotiable.”

But that’s the rub. Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide much besides abortion, and killing innocent children in the womb is decidedly not healthcare. Further, Congress is very aware that over 13,000 legitimate community health centers provide a broad range of healthcare services to women in need. Life Issues Institute is proud to cosponsor a website that makes these services only a click away. They outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities 20 to 1.

This is a painful wakeup call for the abortion giant that has been on the public dole for decades and currently rakes in over a half-billion tax dollars each year. A majority of America’s taxpayers are coming to the reality that women don’t need Planned Parenthood and agree with the President. Recent polling shows 56% oppose tax funding of Planned Parenthood, numbers key senators up for reelection can’t ignore.

Let your voice be heard. Contact your members of Congress and demand they end tax funding of our nation’s largest chain of abortion facilities.

It will be a new day in our battle for LIFE once we demonstrate the sky won’t fall if Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda isn’t funded.

But we must act now.

Opposing the violence of abortion,

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