
How love saves lives

Bradley Mattes   |   January 18, 2018

If you’re joining us at the National March for Life in Washington, DC be prepared for another awesome experience with over 100,000 pro-lifers. At least two-thirds are 25 years old and younger!

This year’s theme of the March is Love Saves Lives. It’s perfect because it aptly describes the efforts, big and small, of everyone who acts to protect innocent human life.

Let’s take a closer look at the many ways you and others live out this year’s theme.

As you know, pro-abortion activists claim pro-lifers only care about the “fetus” and not woman or her baby after birth. This is patently false.

Women resource centers and clinics offer a wide array of free services to women before and after the births of their babies. In addition to the pregnancy tests, maternity clothes, diapers, cribs, baby clothes and other items, many also teach the parents life skills and many receive job training, assistance with housing, transportation and college tuition. The list is extensive and Good Counsel Homes is an excellent example of love in action.

Love is extended to pregnant women by thousands of volunteers who brave the heat and cold in front of abortion facilities offering alternatives to abortion that both the mother and her baby can live with.

These are gifts of love that save lives.

Thousands of women volunteers monitor 24-hour help phone lines. Regardless of time of day, they respond to urgent calls with love and patience, sometimes remaining on a call for hours.

More gifts of love that save lives.

Local right-to-lifers man fair booths, do endless educational presentations and debates, participate in door-to-door canvasing, all to share the truth about abortion to save babies and spare future mothers and fathers the emotional trauma that often follows abortion.

Countless volunteers, many who’ve had abortions themselves, counsel grieving women and men who regret a past abortion. These caring people help pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.

These are tremendous acts of love that save lives.

Countless pro-lifers have given countless volunteer hours to the campaigns of pro-life candidates. Neighborhood canvasing, phone banks, organizing events, placing signs, or making campaign contributions have been a regular part of their lives.

Lobbying to ensure that pro-life candidates support pro-life legislation is hard work and can sometimes be intense and stressful. Those who interact with elected officials on behalf of unborn children invest countless hours nurturing relationships and maintaining a presence in state capitals and Washington, DC. These tireless pro-life advocates are motivated by love for unborn babies and their parents, and they yearn for an America that will someday protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.

Many pro-life individuals are unable to give of their time but they financially support pro-life organizations. Their gifts of love are essential.

Together, we’re building a culture of life in our nation. I don’t ask, “Will we win?” I ask, “When will we win?” Stay the course my friends. We’re going to be successful in ending abortion because we’re passionate, we’re not going away, and we advocate love.

And everyone knows, love saves lives.

For the babies,


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