These are solemn days as we observe the passion and death of Jesus Christ. However, our mourning turns to rejoicing. Easter Sunday is a day of celebration for Christians all over the world.
Our risen Savior paid the price for every sin, including the sin of abortion and all its terrible trappings.
His redemption has never been more needed and necessary.
As we traverse the solemn days of Holy Week it seems appropriate timing. The last couple of weeks have accentuated the need of our Savior’s sacrifice.

In my time as a pro-life advocate, I’ve seen some gruesome and discouraging realities of abortion on demand in America. But nothing prepared me for the latest round of evidence that abortion is a crime against humanity.
The butchered and broken bodies of five babies victimized by late-term abortion were more than anyone could fully comprehend. The evidence shows some of these children were brutally murdered in ways that violate federal law.
So far authorities have refused to conduct an investigation and independent autopsies to deliver justice for these precious babies.
Then, as if to pour salt on an open wound, it was revealed that Curtis Bay Energy, the company that came to collect these and other aborted babies from abortion centers, routinely incinerates their broken bodies to generate electricity for the greater Baltimore area. Curtis Bay’s website advertises their “Waste-to-Energy” program, which means if you live in the Baltimore, Maryland area, aborted babies have been burned to keep your lights on and your house warm.
You aren’t alone if this appalling revelation stirs up memories of the Jewish Holocaust. History is repeating as a modern-day holocaust called abortion.
The relevance of Holy Week and our risen Savior has never been more meaningful during these dark days.
Please join me in daily praying that the US Supreme Court will rule on the Dobbs late-term abortion case with justice and compassion. A favorable ruling will empower states to end this brutal crime against humanity.
Take heart if abortion has touched your life. Christ’s blood on that cross atones for your sins too. Our Redeemer lives! He lives for YOU!
From all the staff of Life Issues Institute have a blessed and happy Resurrection Day.
For the babies,
Dear Brad. Tears of compassion flow as I write this. These people who are killing our nation’s children have no compassion. The Lord Himself tells us that children are the hope of a nation. We, Lowell and I join you in prayer seeking the Supreme court to put an end to this. Heavenly Father, hear our cries for help as we speak out for these precious souls who have no voice. I pray for the souls of those who are in these businesses for they will have to face Our Lord one day. They have no fear of Him who tells us “EVERY knee shall bow”. However, God tells us “vengeance is Mine says the Lord!” Come quickly Lord Jesus.. come quickly. Thank you most sincerely Brad for speaking up and sharing with everyone.
Well said my friend!
Thank you Brad, may your words reach many who are involved and they realize that these are atrocities and criminal activity that God will judge them concerning. Killing our children!
God bless your words and work. We will pray for the Supreme Court’s positive decision on stopping abortion on demand.
Thank you for these words, Brad. This is so appalling, and now we are also mutilating children in the name of transgenderism. Sobering reality on Good Friday. May God have mercy on the United States.