The pro-life community witnessed many wins and losses during the 2022 midterm elections. The most disappointing losses occurred in Michigan, Montana and Kentucky. Voters in Michigan supported a radical pro-abortion ballot measure. Meanwhile, voters in Montana and Kentucky rejected life-affirming ballot measures.
There was concern that the midterm results would embolden abortion advocates and money-laden organizations would swoop into red states to promote measures that would codify a “right” to abortion into state constitutions. Those predictions are coming to fruition. In Ohio, two separate campaigns aim to enshrine abortion “rights.”
One coalition, Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom, finished drafting the initial language for its proposed ballot measure. It plans to file with the Ohio Attorney General by the end of February.
Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom is made up of several pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, Abortion Fund of Ohio, New Voices for Reproductive Justice, the Ohio Women’s Alliance, Preterm-Cleveland, Pro-Choice Ohio, Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (URGE) and the ACLU of Ohio. This well-funded coalition has hired Mission Control Inc. as a general consultant.
The second campaign, launched by Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights, is called “Protect Ohio Choice.” The group plans to place its ballot measure before voters in November 2023.
Specific details about these ballot measures are unknown at this point. We don’t know if either measure will allow any limits on abortion or any protections for the unborn. Ohio Right to Life predicts that the Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom measure will eliminate pro-life protections, thus allowing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. The current limit on abortion in Ohio is 22 weeks. If either measure is approved, the consequences will be horrific and deadly.
The campaigns in Ohio aren’t isolated incidents. Abortion advocates in South Dakota also aim to add a “right” to abortion to their state constitution.
Regardless of whether you live in a red state or a blue state, you should be aware of what is happening within your legislature. Pay attention to the laws, measures and amendments being proposed. If pro-abortion measures appear in your state, step up and voice your opposition. Educate yourself and those in your community. Be prepared to combat any attempts to rewrite your state’s constitution.
Pro-abortion advocates and politicians have been spreading lies ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned. They have lied about prenatal development, and they have lied about how pro-life laws affect miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. This trend continued into the 2022 midterms. They peddled falsehoods about the pro-life ballot measures in Montana and Kentucky, and they misrepresented their own ballot measures.
The way to counter pro-abortion extremism is to know the issue of abortion and be equipped to share it widely within your circle of influence, especially on your social media platforms. Other sources include email lists, word-of-mouth conversations and more.
Be prepared to discuss the humanity of the unborn child. Know the legal status of abortion in your state. Reveal the lies perpetuated by pro-abortion activists. Expose the extremism of those who want abortion on demand until birth. Know the right words to use when talking with someone about abortion. Life Issues Institute’s website contains over 5,000 pages of pro-life educational information to help you.
One person can make a big difference in defending America’s unborn children. You are not alone. Together we can shine a light on the lies of pro-abortion activists and turn more hearts and minds toward LIFE.
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