Earlier this year, a Marist Poll surveyed 1,686 adults residing in the continental United States with the interviews being via telephone with both Spanish and English speaking participants. The study was commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and the results showed overwhelming support of abortion restrictions.
81% of Americans—including two-thirds of those who identify as “pro-choice”—support substantial abortion limits. Furthermore, 77% of Americans—including 71% of pro-abortion supporters—believe that laws can protect both the mother and her unborn child.
Likewise, 60% of Americans believe abortion is “morally wrong” and, ironically, one-third of pro-abortion Americans agree!
According to Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, “It is time for a new national conversation on abortion, one that begins with this consensus in favor of restrictions—a consensus that American women and men have already reached, and that includes a majority even of those who call themselves pro-choice.”
In fact, not only did the poll reveal that 68% of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, but it showcased how over half of those who identified as “pro-choice” were also against taxpayer funding.
Furthermore, the majority of both Americans—66% of which consider themselves pro-abortion supporters—are in agreement that abortions should be restricted to the first three months of a woman’s pregnancy.
And the stats just keep coming…
To learn more facts on abortion, please visit our Abortion Statistics page or the Knights of Columbus website to learn more about their results. Visit the Knights of Columbus page now, by clicking here.
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