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Your Support NOW is Critical

ve8QAd   |   April 04, 2016

81% of Americans—including two-thirds of those who identify as “pro-choice”—support substantial abortion limits.

This is no coincidence.

Life Issues Institute led the way in promoting our Love Them Both message, coupled with unquestionable evidence of what abortion does to women. The fruit of our labors is evident in this recent national poll.

Annual poll results indicate most Americans, including women, believe abortion does more harm than good to women. And 77% of Americans— including 71% of pro-abortion respondents—believe legislation can protect the health and well-being of both the mother and the life of her unborn child.

These statistics indicate that—contrary to the rhetoric that would have us believe that abortion legislation is out of step with the majority of the general public—Americans DO want common sense bills that limit abortion and they want it by wide margins.

We want voters to know the TRUTH about how Americans really feel about abortion and where the candidates stand on life issues so they can make informed choices in November.

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6 thoughts on “Your Support NOW is Critical

  1. Abortion beliefs can be broken down into parts with various beliefs based on the parts not always the whole issue. Abortion Yes/No, Murder Yes/No, Sin Yes/No, Government funded Yes/No, Persecute Yes/No, Persecute Who? Mother, Father, Grandparents, Who ever pressured her, Who ever gave her the money, Who drove her to the clinic, The doctor, the clinic, Society, all the above. Sonogram Yes/No, Pre-Abortion counceling Yes/No, Early Abortion Yes/No, Abortion pill Yes/No, Late Term Abortion Yes/No.

  2. I do think the the issue of the reasons why women have abortion are addressed. I do not see funds set up to pay for the pregnancy and the mother. I don’t see a united organization that set up adoptions, after birth care, non-adoption options and aid, housing, food, medical and transportation. A one stop for woman needing help getting through a pregnancy. There are scattered programs nothing organized and coordinated to help someone who is pregnancy ill, stressed and desperate.

  3. I do know people who have had abortions. Although I would never choose that option, I did witness the stress put on them by family members and the father of the child. They were told that they were stupid for getting pregnant, their life is over, they are throwing away their education, no good man would want them, no one will marry them with a child, the father of the child is abusive, the parents promise to cut off support, they are told that they will be poor and on welfare all their lives.

  4. I did have a miscarriage and that was very emotionally scarring. Losing a child is not something anyone takes lightly. The people I know who had an abortion at a clinic are emotionally scarred and had difficulty conceiving later in life. Some could no longer have children.

  5. Women having abortions is not a new thing. This has been going on for centuries all over the world. Many of them during the early term of the pregnancy. It was the later term abortions that killed many women. Who is going to address the reasons women have abortions no just that they are having them.

  6. My last thought is that the reason we are having trouble with social security running out is that many of the workers who would have contributed to that fund were aborted or prevented. After and during the baby boom, birth control of various sorts became available and widely accepted. This has affected the balance. Having said that and knowing that abortion is wrong, I find it difficult to judge those that had one. The shoe of the person facing that decision can only be worn by them. We can only offer to help, inform, encourage and support the right choices.

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