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Against the Odds

ve8QAd   |   April 01, 2000

According to a recent report from Life Research Institute, an organization which monitors giving to social issues, there is a monumental discrepancy between donations to pro-life and pro-abortion entities.

While pro-abortion activists enjoy a substantial giving history on the part of foundations and wealthy individuals, the pro-life movement lags far behind in this monetary windfall.

During 1997, the total dollar amount given through grants and foundations to pro-abortion organizations was $66,283,000. While, during the same time, the total dollar amount given through grants and foundations to pro-life organizations was only $1,414,000. That’s a ratio of nearly 47 to 1. For every one dollar that is given to the pro-life movement in the form of grants and foundation gifts, the pro-abortion movement receives forty-seven.

Imagine the impact on the number of babies that could be saved if we enjoyed such financial support. In addition, countless mothers would have been spared the devastating effects of abortion on them and their families.

The pro-life movement has always persevered against high odds. However, this is an area where we can improve the statistics. Life depends upon it.

Your gift to protect Life will last a lifetime
Life Issues Institute is grateful to its many partners who have made special donations, including cash, stock, life insurance, property or bequests. Such gifts offer significant income and tax advantages and, at the same time, further the mission of Life Issues Institute. Please contact the Director of Development at our international office in Cincinnati Ohio if you would like more information about how you can make a life-saving investment to protect life from conception to natural death.

Matching gifts
We are thankful to our partners who have doubled their donation when their employer provided a matching gift given by the employee. Several friends for Life have shared with us that they had no idea their workplace offered matching gifts until they asked. Please check with your employer to see if this opportunity is available to you to help the unborn.

Mission giving
You may be a member of a church or organization that would consider including Life Issues Institute in their mission giving. Giving by church organizations goes a long way in helping us protect innocent human life. Please call us if you have any questions, or if we can assist you in any way.

Our mission is to educate Americans to the truth about abortion. We must help them understand that the word “choice” means that the life of an unborn child hangs in the balance. In addition, women are exploited to support a half-billion-dollar annual abortion industry. If you or someone you know is able to help unborn babies and their mothers in the above ways, please consider this life-saving information. The benefit will last a lifetime – many lifetimes.

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