When professional advertising agencies promote an idea or product, they closely follow some basic guidelines. First, a single message is selected that, effectively articulated, will give the desired results. Second, that message must be repeatedly presented to the public.
That is what Ohio Right to Life is engaged in during the months of January and February, 2000. They have produced 400 billboards which will be located throughout the state. All major metropolitan areas will be covered in addition, to locals that represent the state geographically. It is estimated that 50% of the population of Ohio will see this message.
The state organization wanted a message that would demonstrate their concern for women as well as their babies. The Education Committee selected something that would also create a fresh, contemporary image with Ohio’s citizens. The National conference of Catholic Bishops generously agreed to share their billboard with Ohio Right to Life in a true spirit of pro-life cooperation.
In addition to the billboards, flyers that could be used as church bulletin inserts were designed and printed with the same message. Print and radio ads were also produced. Tens of thousands of flyers will be circulated in churches throughout Ohio during these two months.
This project can be duplicated in other states, or may be scaled down for a single community. If you would like more information on this statewide educational campaign, please contact David Hottinger, Education Director, Ohio Right to Life, 8 E. Broad St., Suite 1300, Columbus, OH 43215. Web site www.ohiolife.org Phone (614) 241-5200.
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