Around the world sex trafficking is one of the gravest dangers facing men, women, and children. Pregnancy centers often act as first responders for sex trafficking victims. This week we’ll be talking about identifying sex victims, sex traffickers and preventing sex trafficking with our guests Karolyn Schrage and Karla Sutter. Join Straight Talk on Life Issues to learn how you can help equip victims of sex trafficking.

National Human Trafficking Hotline
The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a 24/7, confidential, multilingual hotline for victims, survivors, and witnesses of human trafficking.
The hotline can be reached:
- By phone: 1-888-373-7888
- By email:
- By text: text HELP to 233733 (BEFREE)
- Online chat:
Hotline staff are trained to:
- Listen to survivors of all forms of human trafficking
- Provide immediate safety planning for people in crisis
- Field tips of suspected trafficking
- Help survivors understand their options for support without judgment

Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Sex trafficking is one of the most heinous acts against children in America. If you thought there was universal support within the political and media realms to go after the filthy culprits exploiting children and adults you’d be mistaken. Sex trafficking and abortion go hand-in-hand.
Abortion is a necessary cog that keeps the sex trafficking machinery humming. Without it, many victims would be sidelined by pregnancy.

Pro-Lifers Take on Sex Trafficking
A growing body of evidence shows that Planned Parenthood isn’t just looking the other way when it comes to sex trafficking. They actually partner with sexual predators by aborting the evidence while cashing in.
Human sex trafficking has reached alarming levels in America and is literally all around us. That’s why a concerted effort to stop it is so important. Would it surprise you to find out that pro-lifers are in a battle to stand in the gap, protecting women and their babies from this insidious cartel?

Pro-Life Response to Sex Trafficking
Human trafficking relies on abortion to function and grow. And grow it has – it’s second only to drug trafficking with profits totaling 9.8 billion dollars in the US. Pimps commonly sell girls for $400 per hour, and abortion is an essential tool to keep the money pouring in.
An estimated 300,000-plus children become victims of sex trafficking each year.
The victimization of these young women, girls and boys is not going unanswered. An element of the pro-life movement is stepping in to help.
Sex Trafficking and the Abortion Connection Part 1
Every year, sex trafficking claims an estimated 100,000 new victims in the United States, and it’s happening all around us—hiding in plain sight. The average age of female victims is between 12 and 14-years-old. And the abortion industry is playing a crucial role by looking the other way when pimps and their associates bring pregnant trafficking victims to abortion facilities. While public awareness is growing, most Americans still don’t know how prevalent it is. Human trafficking is the second largest—and fastest growing—criminal industry in the world. But with education and awareness, we can help put an end to sex trafficking
Sex Trafficking and the Abortion Connection Part 2
In part two of this powerful program, Sula Skiles tells her tragic story of being trafficked overseas while working as model. Marlene Carson and Nita Belles talk about the healing that can take place once victims are rescued. And Melinda Haggerty outlines the laws being put in place to better prosecute traffickers and the signs that people can look for to identify trafficking victims. Human trafficking is happening throughout the United States, but Americans have yet to comprehend just how deeply it’s infiltrated society. One person can make a difference in raising awareness, and providing help and healing for victims who are looking for a way out.

Karolyn Schrage (RN, BSN), serves as the Executive Director of LifeChoices Health Network in Joplin, MO. She also leads the Victims’ Response Team for RISE (Regional Intervention of Sexual Exploitation- SW MO).
Karolyn is a member of the Missouri Attorney General’s Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force and is a member of CAHT, Coalition Against Human Trafficking (US Attorney’s Office Western District of MO).

Karla Sutter As a former Executive Director of a Pregnancy Center, she holds a special place in her heart for women’s centers. She is the author of several hope-filled books. Additionally, she has created “Stop the Traffic” training and resources for pregnancy centers and volunteers for the Gallatin County Anti-Trafficking Task Force.
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