
Abortion and Sex Trafficking – How You Can Help


This week we are once again joined by Nick Lembo, Jean Davis, and Phyllis Phelps as we continue our discussion on abortion and sex trafficking. In this episode you will learn what you can do to help protect vulnerable people from sex trafficking. Knowing what to do as well as what not to do could make the difference in someone’s life.  

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The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Whether you or someone you know has experienced child sexual exploitation, or you want to better understand this issue, there are many ways the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children can help.

Click here to learn more →

Or phone: 800 843 5678

Street Grace

Street Grace is a nonprofit organization that is eradicating the sexual exploitation of children through prevention, protection, policy, and pursuit.

As an organization led by a team of subject matter experts and guided by a council of survivors, we’re painfully aware of the devastation caused by the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. We won’t rest until every child is protected and empowered.

Learn more→


Shared Hope International

Sex trafficking is a booming industry in America. It thrives because there is a serious demand for commercial sex with minors. Every day in America children are being bought and sold for sex. And they are waiting for you to notice.

Shared Hope International is dedicated to bringing an end to sex trafficking through our three-pronged approach – prevent, restore, and bring justice.

Click here for more information →

Sex Trafficking and Abortion

Sex trafficking is one of the most heinous acts against children in America. If you thought there was universal support within the political and media realms to go after the filthy culprits exploiting children and adults you’d be mistaken. Sex trafficking and abortion go hand-in-hand. 

Abortion is a necessary cog that keeps the sex trafficking machinery humming. Without it, many victims would be sidelined by pregnancy.  

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Pro-Lifers Take on Sex Trafficking

A growing body of evidence shows that Planned Parenthood isn’t just looking the other way when it comes to sex trafficking. They actually partner with sexual predators by aborting the evidence while cashing in.

Human sex trafficking has reached alarming levels in America and is literally all around us. That’s why a concerted effort to stop it is so important. Would it surprise you to find out that pro-lifers are in a battle to stand in the gap, protecting women and their babies from this insidious cartel?

Read full article →


Jean Davis is the Executive Director of Branches Pregnancy Resource Center in Brattleboro, Vermont. She has overcome sex trafficking and is an advocate for those facing trafficking, homelessness, and unplanned pregnancy. Davis is now a published author and a graduate of Northpoint Bible College. 

Phyllis Phelps is founding director of House of Hope New Hampshire, along with her husband Bill. She is also the author of ” Weathering the Storm”.  

She shares the love of Jesus Christ through her powerful personal story of faith and desires to bring hope to those suffering.

Nick Lembo has been standing against Human Trafficking with various organizations since 2009.  He is a Board Member of the Genesis Project as well as an Emeritus Board Member of Shared Hope International as well as a Founding Board Member of the Rebecca Bender Initiative. Nick is an Executive Director of Street Grace Arizona overseeing their Demand Reduction Cyber Patrol program and serves as a Program Director in a strategic partnership for the Arizona Anti Trafficking Network overseeing Street Grace Just Men Arizona.   

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