
You Can Make a Difference

Editor   |   August 30, 2022

Now that Roe v Wade has been overturned, you may be asking, “Where do we go from here?” or “What can I do to help save babies?”

Here are some simple and practical ways you can make a real difference in saving unborn babies.

Prayer is essential – a gift worth more than gold. Work into your daily schedule a time dedicated to prayer for the end of abortion.

Financial help is also essential. In this post-Roe environment, never in the history of the pro-life movement have we had such opportunities to save babies. The other side wins only if they can keep Americans in the dark about what abortion does to babies and the devastation it inflicts on the parents. This means pro-life education is more important than ever before. Please consider a generous donation to assist our life-saving efforts.

In this age of social media, it has never been easier to educate yourself on critical life issues. Subscribe to our weekly blog, The Latest, that will bring you knowledge and information you aren’t likely to find elsewhere. Subscribe to our daily brief radio commentaries called Life Issues. Brad packs a ton of information into these daily messages. Each will keep you abreast of the latest happenings. Perfect for sharing on social media.

This digital age is a great way to share pro-life news, stories, images, blogs, and videos. Regularly share effective messaging or post your own creations and articles. You might surprise yourself!

Churches can play a crucial role helping women and men say no to abortion. They can also minister to those who have tragically chosen abortion. Pastors can also encourage abstinence and help those who’ve fallen to temptation to choose life for their babies. Visit our Church Pro-Life Resources page where you’ll find simple, easy-to-use tools to educate, motivate and activate your church to save babies.

The Precious Feet pins are identical in shape and size to a ten-week unborn baby. They invite questions and discussion about the humanity of the unborn child. My colleague, Dr. Willke, was questioned by a female security agent about his feet pin while going through security at the Washington, DC airport. After explaining the meaning, he took the pin off and gave it to her.  She was actually scheduled for an abortion, but that little pin changed her mind and saved her baby. Don’t underestimate the power of education. We win if we prevent the abortion industry from hiding the reality of abortion.

Pledge to vote only for pro-life candidates no matter what office or level of service. Remember the dogcatcher.

Contact your US Senators and Representatives when legislation concerning life issues is before Congress. And contact your local and state legislators. You can find links at our website by searching “Contact Your Legislators.”

As states end the practice of abortion, the demand on the resources of pro-life pregnancy centers dramatically increases. Donate baby and maternity clothes, diapers, toys, and other baby items. Organize a diaper drive by asking your church and others to collect them for your local center. Volunteer at a center. Find one near you at

Show your love and concern to someone who has lost a baby to miscarriage or abortion or has placed a baby for adoption by sending a personal note.

Join a pro-life club at your school or university, or start one.

Arrange for a pro-life speaker to do a presentation at your church or civic group.

Become a liaison between your church and a local pro-life group.

Volunteer your professional services to a pro-life organization.

These are just some of the ways you can make a difference in saving innocent human life. You can find more ideas at our website. Do a word search for “How I Can Help.”

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