If the ACLU and Planned Parenthood get their way your minor daughter, sister, niece, or granddaughter can:
- Have an abortion anytime until birth without the parents’ knowledge or permission.
- Exclude parents from any medical procedure, including sex change surgery.
- Be forced into having an unwanted abortion.
- Be more vulnerable to becoming a victim of sex trafficking.
And these horrifying realities are coming closer than you think.

On November seventh Ohio citizens will vote whether or not to approve Issue 1, a state constitutional amendment that will do all of this and more. It etches into stone these daily shocking realities for women, young girls, and their unborn children. Plus, it strips away every pro-life law passed by the legislature to protect the health and wellbeing of women and their babies, eviscerating their health and safety standards.
Even if you reside outside Ohio, you should be concerned about the outcome. It is part of a nationwide strategy by radical pro-abortion activists who want to impose their beliefs on everyone else.
During the 2022 election cycle, they tested this state-by-state scheme and experienced considerable success. As a result, they are moving forward introducing constitutional amendments in Red states with laws protecting mothers and their unborn babies.

Tens of millions of dollars are spent to saturate media with half-truths and outright lies. In the case of Ohio, they’re telling voters that there is no access to contraception or emergency medical attention for miscarriage if Issue 1 fails. All of which are falsehoods.
This fearmongering is a powerful and effective tool so pro-lifers must do all within their ability to educate voters that Issue 1 would be a disaster for Ohio citizens in ways that far extend beyond abortion until birth.
Life Issues Institute has produced and compiled resources to counter the fabrications of the other side. Please use these tools and share them with others to protect innocent human life in Ohio and beyond.
Defending all life,
Bradley Mattes
President Life Issues Institute
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