
Good Reasons for Our Optimism

Bradley Mattes   |   December 01, 2021

Oral arguments for the Dobbs late term abortion case took place today.

Never before has there been such optimism that we will see the reversal of Roe v Wade, or that it will be dramatically impacted by the Supreme Court’s ruling.

There are a number of “firsts” that fuel the momentum for reversing Roe.

Even abortion advocates sense that they are struggling against inevitable change, ushered in by the Dobbs late term abortion case. Roe is nearly 50 years old. It was foisted upon Americans based on antiquated science and medicine and raw political extremism.

Here are some of the reasons why we believe the landscape of abortion until birth will experience a judicial sea change.

Medical Advances Post Roe:

Viability, the ability to keep a baby alive outside the womb, was about 28 weeks in 1973. Today it is 22 weeks, with the occasional baby surviving at 21 weeks. Just last year Curtis Means set a world record for being the youngest premature baby to survive, born just 21 weeks and one day after conception.

Ultrasound has flung open the window to the womb for all to see. Two generations of Americans have had their first baby picture taken while still in the womb. These images have been shared widely among family members and coworkers, etc. Millions of Americans are now aware of the beauty and awe of the unborn child.

Substantial advancements have been made in understanding the preborn baby. At 15 weeks 26 quarts of blood are daily pumped through their bodies by fully developed hearts. At 12 weeks science reveals babies can have a conscious experience of pain, including the excruciating pain of a violent abortion.

Abortion’s Aftermath

Based on the countless personal testimonies of men and women, we now know that abortion can inflict devastating psychological baggage. After-abortion counseling for both mothers and fathers has exposed an added dark side of “choice.”

Physical complications of abortion can include infertility, premature birth, fast-spreading infections, sepsis, and death. The continued presence of ambulances at abortion centers demonstrates that legal abortion isn’t healthcare, nor is it safe.

Abortion facilities make added money by dissecting and selling the body parts of aborted babies. The Mississippi legislation would curtail a significant amount of this ghoulish industry, reminiscent of Nazi experimentation on Jews.

These seedy dark sides of abortion speak volumes to the legitimacy of what radical feminists consider a sacred right.

Empower Women, Protect Life

Women facing an unexpected pregnancy have not and will not be abandoned during their most desperate time of need – even when Roe is reversed. A nationwide network of over 2,700 pro-life pregnancy help centers offer free resources to support them throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond. Assistance with family mentoring, education, and job training empowers women to say yes to life and enjoy productive lives. Women don’t have to choose between fulfilling careers or the lives of their babies.

We are the Majority

A majority of Americans believe compassion and commonsense should be woven into our laws on abortion. 80% believe abortion should be limited to the first three months. They oppose extreme legislation that ignores medical realities and allows abortion on demand until birth.

Their desire for a kinder, gentler nation is reflected in the over 100 prolife laws that were enacted this year alone. Americans hunger for a culture that respects and protects all of its citizens, including the most vulnerable among us.

The collective effort of the pro-life movement has opened the eyes of millions of Americans to the reality of abortion, and they don’t like what they see.

These documented findings have exposed Roe as a scientifically, medically, and morally bankrupt decision. It’s time our laws reflect science that isn’t a half century old.

Reversing Roe – a Reality Check

Reversing Roe will not ban all abortions in America, but once again allow states to enact laws that reflect the conscience of their citizens. Grassroots activism is where the pro-life movement excels. We understand that the battle to save babies and protect their mothers doesn’t end with the demise of Roe. It’s when the real work begins.

We will not stop until all children are protected from the moment of fertilization.

America’s pro-life citizens are up for the challenge, ready to defend life and come to the aid of those who struggle in its aftermath.

Ending the scourge of abortion,

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