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Election 2014 Brings Welcome News to Pro-Life Movement

Editor   |   November 05, 2014

Cincinnati, OH (Nov 5, 2014) – The sanctity of human life got an emphatic thumbs-up in Tuesday’s state and national elections, with Republicans taking control of the Senate, expanding their majority in the House and winning gubernatorial races even in deeply dyed blue states. The GOP needed six seats to take the Senate majority but won seven, with races in Virginia, Louisiana and Alaska yet to be decided.

“The election buried once and for all the Democrat Party’s phony ‘war on women,’” said Life Issues Institute Executive Director Brad Mattes. “America’s voters soundly rejected this fiction and sent a clear message to Congress: get rid of Obamacare and pass protective legislation for unborn babies and their mothers.”

Pro-life leaders had kept close watch on the open seat in Iowa, where Republican Joni Ernst soundly defeated Democrat Bruce Braley with 52 percent of the vote. While Braley has come out strongly in favor of abortion, Ernst is unapologetically pro-life.

President Obama’s sinking popularity took a toll on incumbent Democrat Mark Udall of Colorado, who was unseated by Republican Cory Gardner. Udall tried to gin up voters around the so-called “war on women” issue. In fact, Udall harped on the issue so much that the media dubbed him “Senator Uterus.”

With a few races yet to be decided, Republicans already have posted a 242 to 174 majority in the House. In Utah’s 4th District, Mia Love became the first Black Republican woman elected to Congress. In New York’s 27th District, 30-year-old Republican Elise Stefanik became the youngest woman elected to Congress.

Gubernatorial races turned red in states long held by Democrats, notably Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts. Despite contention within his party, incumbent Republican Sam Brownback held Kansas, a strong win for pro-lifers; Brownback has compared abortion to slavery.

Florida Republican Rick Scott was considered among the most vulnerable incumbent governors but held off Charlie Crist, another definite win for pro-life.


About Life Issues Institute: Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education, the foundation for pro-life political and legislative victories. For over 23 years, organizations and individuals around the world have depended upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest pro-life information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

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