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The Price of Clinton’s Veto

Editor   |   June 01, 1996

Clinton’s recent veto of the partial-birth abortion bill is not news. However, the reaction to the president’s cruel and calculated political move has not been publicized as widely.
The following is a brief summary of much of the fallout after the veto.

All eight American Cardinals signed a letter to Clinton denouncing his action.
Thirty major churches signed a joint statement against the veto.

Paul Weyrich, head of the Political NewsTalk Network, “The stain of blood on the body politic from this hideous, cowardly decision of Bill Clinton will not go away….”

James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family, expressed outrage on his widely heard radio program, “The blood of these tiny infants will be on Mr. Clinton’s hands.”

Rev. A.L. Barry, president of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, wrote to Clinton condemning the veto.

Pope John Paul II criticized Clinton’s veto in an unusually strongly worded statement, reserved in the past for only four other heads of state, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro.

Rev. Billy Graham, told Clinton he was “dead wrong” to veto the partial-birth abortion bill.
The Hibernians, an Irish Catholic organization with over 100,000 members, rescinded their invitation to Clinton to speak at their annual meeting.

Gary Bauer of Family Research Council and Beverly LaHaye with Concerned Women for America also weighed in against Clinton’s veto. Each is a major pro-life, pro-family organization with a wide following.

Former presidential candidate, Steve Forbes, wrote that the veto was, “….unconscionable – politics at its worst….its stomach-churning….to see the President of the United States so devoid of any genuine moral sense and fiber.”

Ralph Reed, with the Christian Coalition, stated that it would be almost impossible for Clinton to expect the votes of Catholics and Evangelicals in the November election.

The National Conference of Catholic Bishops is distributing millions of flyers to Catholic churches nationwide to educate churchgoers on the partial birth abortion method. The brochure urges Catholics to contact their congressmen and senators, and ask them to vote to override Clinton’s veto.

1.5 million readers of Columbia Magazine, the official publication of the Knights of Columbus, read the following headline, “Brain-Sucking Monsters Attack Children!”

The Wall Street Journal said, “No one would think of doing this to another human being, even the Unabomber, but the President of the US stands four-square for doing it to babies still in the womb nearing birth.”

Rush Limbaugh and other well-known conservative talk show hosts condemned the president’s actions to millions of listeners.

The Archdiocese of St. Louis, discouraged students from attending a speech by Clinton. Six Catholic schools were invited to attend, but vicar general Monsignor Joseph Naumann said, “It would be an erroneous message if we’d see the president with all these kids in Catholic uniforms.”

Senators in Chile passed a resolution urging the US Congress to override Clinton’s partial-birth abortion veto. It was signed by 40 of Chile’s 46 senators.

Life Issues Institute encourages everyone to educate others regarding the partial-birth abortion procedure and the efforts to override Bill Clinton’s veto.

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