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One Woman’s Journey

Bradley Mattes   |   February 01, 2010

Abby Johnson made international headlines after announcing she’d changed her mind on abortion. Abby isn’t just anyone, that’s why it made headlines. She was the director of a Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion facility in Bryan, Texas.

Abby had been steeped in an abortion industry environment for eight years, the first three of them as a volunteer. She was recruited by a PP staffer at an Opportunities Fair on the campus of Texas A&M University. Eventually she was promoted to director and overseeing all aspects of the abortion facility. The conversion of such a highly-placed individual in the abortion industry is good reason for international headlines.

I sat down with Abby to interview her for my weekly TV program, Facing Life Head-On. I fully expected her information to be informative, but some of her words even took this 35-year pro-life veteran by surprise. I began to understand why PP tried but failed to muzzle Abby in court so she couldn’t divulge any of their industry secrets.

Planned Parenthood would have you think counseling, informed choice and the well-being of women are foremost in their minds as every woman walks through their doors. Abby has dispelled all those myths and is revealing the shocking truth about their real agenda.

Abby told me PP’s financial condition is deteriorating as more people come to the realization the organization is synonymous with abortion. Even her staff was ashamed to tell family and friends where they worked. As her center slipped into financial red ink while providing contraceptive services, Abby said her bosses were “hounding” her to bring in more abortion customers.

That’s when she asked, “Isn’t our mission about prevention to make abortion rare?” Abby wasn’t prepared for the shocking answer. Her supervisor responded, “Abby you’ve really got to get your priorities straight. Abortion needs to be your priority, because that’s where our money is.”

Abby and I talked about abortion counseling, informed consent and available options for women. She told me women are getting none of them, and further, PP isn’t even making an attempt. Abby actually tried to integrate these vital services during the last few years of her employment at PP, even bringing in adoption experts and Medicaid counselors. The response of her supervisors was—STOP! Abby believes it’s because there’s no money in these types of benefits for women who are contemplating an unexpected pregnancy. In the end, abortion is basically the only choice offered to pregnant women.

This former PP director confirmed the abortion industry’s reputation for harboring an anti-male, hardcore feminist attitude. Men were clearly not welcome participants anytime throughout the abortion process if they weren’t 100% supportive of PP’s goal—aborting the baby and collecting a fee.

Then it happened. It started out as an average day at PP, but this time Abby was asked to assist the abortionist with a suction abortion of a 13-week-old baby. Few abortions are ultrasound-guided, even though it’s safer for women, because the added measure takes an extra five minutes, and time is money in the abortion industry. As “fate” would have it, the abortionist asked Abby to hold the ultrasound probe in place during the abortion. She thought it would be a good “learning experience.” What Abby didn’t realize then was that the next few minutes would change her life forever.

As she saw the “perfect profile” of the preborn child, Abby said it was if “somebody just slapped me” and the truth about abortion was revealed to her. Abby said she was horrified by witnessing the death of another human being and immediately thought about “all the other women I had lied to.” It may have been just another routine abortion to those around her, but Abby silently whispered “Never again.”

What enabled Abby to physically walk away from the abortion industry was the loving attitudes she experienced from pro-lifers outside her PP abortion facility, as well as the pro-life women help center a few doors down. Abby’s advice to the pro-life movement is to approach mothers and fathers going in for abortions and the abortion mill staff with gentle love and concern. It may not produce results the first day, but Abby assured me that it’s the most effective tool we have in our arsenal to change hearts and minds of these individuals.

Abby’s journey from Planned Parenthood to pro-life is cause for celebration. Further, she has exposed the real agenda of this abortion giant, and shows us how to more effectively reach hearts and minds to save lives and protect women.

If you’d like to watch my entire TV interview with Abby Johnson, visit our website [to view Part 1 and Part 2] or you can order both episodes on DVD.

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