Last week was an emotional roller coaster for pro-lifers with the announcement that Komen would end funding of Planned Parenthood and subsequent reporting by the media they had reversed their decision.
I must admit, rarely—if ever—have I experienced such a euphoric high, only to be plunged into the depths of depression and discouragement. But a further, detailed investigation into Komen’s so-called reversal has led me to believe that things aren’t nearly as bad as I had thought.
I have it from a very good authority that not much has changed from Komen’s initial decision.
Bless her heart. To the casual observer, Komen founder, Nancy Brinker, had previously never known what it’s like to be attacked by liberal media elites. I don’t say this to diminish her accomplishments with Komen. On the contrary, she’s worked hard and built it into a non-profit organization many of us stand in awe of. But until now, she’s always been on the side of political correctness and immune from the attacks we pro-lifers have experienced for decades. That all changed last week.
Let’s face it, even we grizzled, thick-skinned veterans of the pro-life movement were somewhat taken aback by the vicious attack on Komen since it announced it would not fund Planned Parenthood.
Some have likened it to a Planned Parenthood Mafia shakedown—keep paying extortion money or we’ll destroy your organization. We recently aired a TV episode of Facing Life Head-On regarding state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood of Indiana. My guests included an ACLU attorney who’s suing the state to keep its funding flowing. His basic argument was: Once at the government trough, always at the government trough. The people of Indiana have no right to stop our cash flow, and we’ll do what we need to insure that it continues.
Where Komen is concerned, Planned Parenthood enlisted pro-abortion politicians and celebrities to carry out their shock and awe, torched-earth strategy. And they didn’t care if Komen was destroyed in the process—an organization that’s done much to protect women’s health.
Why such an aggressive effort on their part? There’s one thing even more precious to Planned Parenthood than Komen’s money—it’s Planned Parenthood’s credibility. Komen is pretty much their last link to acceptance within the medical community. Over the years, pro-lifers have been successfully pointing out to Americans that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest chain of abortion facilities. This reality has tarnished their sterling image and is gradually reducing them to be the “bottom feeders” of healthcare providers.
Also, the timing couldn’t have been worse. Last year the House of Representatives voted to end Planned Parenthood’s federal funding. Sadly, the Senate didn’t agree, but it was still a victory for the pro-life movement. A few short years ago we would have never dreamed a vote like that would have taken place, let along pass in the House.
Further, Komen’s decision to defund the abortion giant sent a message to the corporate world that Planned Parenthood is toxic goods. And it could’ve been added ammunition to members of Congress to renew their efforts.
Planned Parenthood wasn’t going down without a fight, and they fight dirty. They fed Komen to the sharks, but only after pouring blood in the water, knowing the liberal media would take the bait.
In the wake of Friday’s debacle, one important fact has arisen from the ashes of what seems to be a victory for Planned Parenthood. Komen has no love for the organization. Do you actually think Komen’s national office won’t look for ways around funding Planned Parenthood without risking its organization? If I were a betting man, I’d say they’re going to look under every rock for effective ways to free themselves from this Mafia-style association while mitigating the damage. I believe Friday was an example.
Let’s step back, take a deep breath and watch this thing unfold. We know there are 5 Planned Parenthood grants in the pipeline. If more are added, we’ll know Komen is wedded to the abortion industry. If not, then we’ll know last Friday was one of the liberal media’s most egregious efforts to further their pro-abortion agenda. In the meantime, don’t give donations to Komen.
And don’t think that your voiced support and donations to Komen were wasted. They’ve demonstrated to Komen who the reasonable people are who really cares about the lives of women. Be encouraged about this also: last week’s events educated millions of Americans to Planned Parenthood’s major role in the abortion industry, and the level to which it creates controversy.
Please be in prayer for Nancy Brinker and those leading the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Pray that God will give them wisdom and courage to break free from this abortion industry giant once and for all. And let Nancy Brinker know you’re praying for her personally and for the organization she cares so deeply about.
And always remember, we’re soldiers in a cultural war against innocent human life. It’s often hard and very discouraging. But know this: God doesn’t call us to be victorious. He calls us to be faithful. He’ll take care of the rest.
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