In a past issue of Life Issues Connector we informed you of the close relationship between the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills. We’d like to bring you up-to-date information regarding the ongoing partnership between state affiliates of the Komen Foundation and the abortion industry.
The Komen Foundation was founded in 1982 by Nancy Goodman Brinker after losing her sister, Susan Komen, to breast cancer. The key to Komen’s financial success has been its annual Race for the Cure, a 5K run/fitness walk, which began as a single event in Dallas in 1983.
Most people are familiar with the Race for the Cure and have a positive impression of the organization. Many pro-lifers have participated in one or more of the races. The Komen Foundation’s mission is to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease by advancing research, education, screening and treatment. A few years ago we reported on the darker side of the Komen Foundation; that is, its partnership with those who promote abortion, a linked cause to breast cancer.
Right to Life of Indianapolis has done a stellar job of researching the latest information on the Komen Foundation as it relates to abortion. We are pleased to share some of this with you. More information can be accessed through our website. This includes a list of Komen affiliates and exactly what they have funded, as well as documentation.
Right to Life of Indianapolis obtained this information directly from the affiliates’ websites, personal correspondence with the Komen Foundation staff and representatives, press releases and news articles.
This recent data comes as a big disappointment to pro-lifers everywhere. The Komen Foundation funds a significant amount of noble and very worthwhile research programs. However, this cannot erase the fact that they also fund a portion of the abortion industry, which ironically could be causing the very breast cancer they strive to eradicate.
Further, the Komen Foundation has taken a clear opposing view to the overwhelming evidence regarding the link between abortion and breast cancer. Their website lists abortion first under factors not related to breast cancer. It appears that the Komen Foundation has placed politics over the lives of women. Twenty-eight out of 37 worldwide studies have independently linked abortion with breast cancer. Seven studies report a more than twofold-increased risk.
There are about 115 Komen affiliates in 22 states throughout the nation. At least 112 of them sponsor a Race for the Cure fundraising event. At least 48 of them have given grants to Planned Parenthood facilities and other abortion mills. Over 100 grants have been given to these entities of the abortion industry since 1998.
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest single provider and promoter of abortion. Based upon scientific evidence, thousands of additional women may be dying from breast cancer every year as a result of the abortions Planned Parenthood performs throughout the nation. In reality, the Komen Foundation may be aiding and abetting the spread of breast cancer by funding Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills.
Planned Parenthoods annual report of 2003-2004 showed that they increased the number of abortions performed from 230,630 in 2002 to 244,628 in 2003. This is an increase of 6.1%. At the same time, Planned Parenthood actually did 13.3% fewer breast exams and breast care.
Eve Sanchez Silver was a Hispanic/Latina Advisory Council Member for the Komen foundation. She resigned in protest when she became aware of Komen’s association with the abortion industry. Ms. Silver said, ”Susan G. Komen’s concern for the health of women is now parallel to Planned Parenthood’s concern for the health of the children that they abort.”
In spite of the growing controversy, the Komen Foundation hasn’t changed their pro-abortion philosophy. Planned Parenthood of San Antonio and South Central Texas stated on their website that the leadership at Komen has pledged full support of Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is more than happy to wrap its name within the goodwill and image of the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The emphasis on breast exams, even though they are spending less resources and time doing them, detracts from the reality that they commit nearly one-quarter million abortions every year.
Go to the above link to see if your local Komen affiliate is involved in supporting the abortion industry. Don’t assume they are in the clear if they’re not on the list. As this controversy grows, they may be trying to hide their association. Do further research to find out. Regardless, meet with your local representative and share the scientific information that demonstrates a link between abortion and breast cancer. You can find more information at our website. If they refuse to stop funding the abortion industry, contact companies that support their efforts. Send out a press release and do media interviews. Educate your community to this unholy alliance if it exists in your area.
Local pressure will be the most effective way to persuade Komen affiliates to divest themselves of the abortion industry. Its important you do what you can in your own community.
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