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IRTLF Statement Regarding UN Recommendations on Abortion

Editor   |   June 26, 2015

CINCINNATI, OH (June 26, 2015) – International Right to Life Federation president Bradley Mattes issued the following statement regarding recommendations by a committee monitoring the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights that four countries whose laws restrict abortion change those laws to allow greater access to abortion:

“I’m appalled by the sheer arrogance of the UN committee in demanding countries abandon laws protecting their unborn babies and instead opt for the wanton slaughter of their most valuable resource.”

The four pro-life countries are Ireland, Chile, Uganda and Venezuela. Krygyzstan, which already allows abortion on demand, was chided for not including abortion in public health insurance coverage.


About International Right to Life Federation
Founded in 1984, International Right to Life Federation is a world-wide coalition of autonomous, national pro-life groups and individuals dedicated to imparting and exchanging information to every nation with the single mission of achieving legal protection for all innocent human life from conception until natural death.

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