Medically Necessary Abortions


Medically Necessary Abortions

Bradley Mattes   |   March 08, 2024


Extreme pro-abortion radicals are crawling out of the woodwork since the fall of Roe.  It’s further evidence that we’re in deep spiritual warfare.  Extremists in the New Hampshire legislature tried to enshrine abortion until birth into the state’s constitution.  It would’ve allowed abortion until twenty-four weeks and then created a loophole big enough to drive a semi through.  A loophole called “medically necessary” abortions.  And guess who determines of an abortion is medically necessary?  The late-term abortionist who gets paid handsomely for killing babies who’re capable of living outside the womb.  It would’ve forced abortion until birth on the people of New Hampshire.  I say would’ve because pro-life members of the state senate stood firmly and boldly against it.  God bless them.  

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