She Became My Purpose


She Became My Purpose

Bradley Mattes   |   January 29, 2024


Angela Harders became pregnant after sexual assault.  She had a reputation of saving sex for marriage and her dad was a leader in a Maryland pregnancy center.  Not wanting anyone to find out, she made an appointment at Planned Parenthood.  She also phoned a random pro-life pregnancy center in another state.  The person on the other end of the phone said something that changed her life.  She told Angela, “Sex doesn’t make babies, God does.”  Planned Parenthood saw her baby as a problem to be killed.  The pregnancy center saw the baby as her daughter.  Angela said, “My child was not my problem.  She became my purpose – and I will forever be thankful.”  Every mother I’ve spoken with who chose life after a rape pregnancy was glad she followed God’s will. 

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