
Abortion’s Impact on Women’s Mental Health

ve8QAd   |   July 13, 2023

While feminists rally behind the abortion industry, a significant new study shows that abortion is having a devastating impact on women.

A peer-reviewed study from Charlotte Lozier Institute, published in the International Journal of Women’s Health, shows that women who abort their first pregnancy are much more likely to experience an increased need for mental health treatment compared with women who give birth.

The data was gleaned from over 4,800 Medicaid-enrolled women, spanning a period of 17 years. They resided in seven states which used state taxpayer funds to pay for the abortions. The research also demonstrated that these women were less likely to have a prior history of mental health issues, an indicator that abortion was the culprit.

This study is significant because researchers didn’t rely on much less reliable information, such as surveys that depend on self-reporting and are plagued with low participation, loss to follow-up and recall bias.

The many women represented in this study were so traumatized by their abortions they sought out treatment for their deteriorating mental health. Imagine the countless others who suffered in silence.

Here are the findings taken from the study:

  • Outpatient visits were 3.4 times more likely to increase.
  • There was a 5.7 times more likelihood of inpatient hospital admissions.
  • The days of their hospital stay were nearly 20% more likely to increase.

The lead author, James Studnicki, Sc.D., is a veteran public health scientist. In Charlotte Lozier Institute’s press release, Dr. Studnicki noted that several other studies have found abortion to adversely affect women’s mental health. They include Finland, Italy, China, Germany, Korea and the United States.

There are those, of course, who claim that any limits on abortion will negatively impact women, but the growing evidence invalidates these assertions.

As the evidence mounts that abortion is bad for women’s physical and mental health, Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry – along with its feminist and political supporters – must be held accountable for the trauma they are inflicting on America’s women.

This is reminiscent of the tobacco companies that ignored and hid the escalating proof that smoking was bad for their customers. But in order to protect their lucrative profits, they attempted to conceal what every American consumer now knows – smoking can be deadly.

Today, the abortion industry, in an effort to protect its profitable income – aided by extreme feminists and pro-abortion politicians – is attempting to conceal the overwhelming evidence that abortion is detrimental and even deadly to women. Making matters worse, they are using taxpayer funds in several states to inflict this damage.

There is little doubt that history will judge them – just as it has the tobacco industry – for their callous disregard with reference to the wellbeing of women.

Standing with women,

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