“Golden Medusa Demon”


“Golden Medusa Demon”

Bradley Mattes   |   February 07, 2023

A statue atop a state courthouse in New York City has generated tons of controversy, and rightly so.  The artist created a satanic-looking female demon as homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her relentless efforts to promote abortion.  But it’s been met with considerable pushback, including New York City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino who wanted to know who okayed the “satanic golden medusa demon.”  She added, “Who thinks this is okay?  And how do we go about removing it?”  Some thought it should not only be removed but “publicly destroyed.”  The statue’s a fitting likeness considering the spiritual warfare of abortion in America.  Abortion is a preferred tool of Satan, and you can bet he’s unhappy about Roe’s demise.  Maybe the other side is finally revealing who they work for.

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