Sex Ed Program Pushed Abortion


Sex Ed Program Pushed Abortion

Bradley Mattes   |   July 15, 2022

Illinois’ governor has signed legislation unleashing highly controversial, pro-abortion sex education onto the state’s students.  One of the key architects of this twisted program is Planned Parenthood.  Sex and abortion are presented as early as kindergarten.  Abortion is called a normal “pregnancy option” and students are taught where the local abortion facilities are.  Yes, Planned Parenthood has orchestrated state-wide indoctrination which then directs teachers to send them to their door as paying customers.  Parents, it crucial that you’re the ones to teach your children these sensitive topics.  If you don’t, the abortion industry and their allies will fill the void.  Life Issues Institute has resources to help.  Visit where you’ll find over five-thousand pages of user-friendly information.

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