
Christianity and Abortion Are Not Compatible

ve8QAd   |   May 21, 2021

Nancy Pelosi

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has long been the target of faithful Catholics who have questioned her ability to take communion or even be called a Catholic.

Regarding the issue of communion, Pelosi recently said, “I think I can use my own judgement on that.”

Her Archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco responded with something that should be in the heart and mind and on the tongue of every professing Christian.

He said that abortion isn’t a matter where we can use our own judgement. Noting the body count of tens of millions of dead unborn babies, he stated that the support and promotion of abortion is “cooperating with evil.”

The Archbishop made another astute observation. All we have to do is look around to understand that society is in a deep crisis. The looting, burning, and killing have dramatically increased. Archbishop Cordileone reminded us that “violence begets violence.” And the violence he was talking about is abortion, which has had a corrosive effect on the fabric of our nation. Its impact on babies, mothers, fathers, and society as a whole cannot be overestimated.

For too long not all but far too many Christian pastors and leaders of all denominations have remained silent regarding the undeniable conflict between Christianity and abortion.

Self-professing Christians who are informed to the reality of abortion, yet still support or promote it must be made to understand that abortion is incompatible with their faith and that the two cannot peacefully coexist.

We are talking about the intentional killing of innocent preborn children. In its strongest term, abortion is murder. Violence is not the answer to an unexpected pregnancy.

Fewer Christians would succumb to the sin of abortion if their souls were strengthened and fortified through God’s word from the pulpit. Religious leaders are doing no favors to their congregations by avoiding this difficult subject. Satan wins if we remain silent.

There are those who say that abortion isn’t mentioned in the Bible and thus not an edict of scripture. Don’t be fooled. Biblical principles are clear. One of the ten commandments states that we are not to kill.

Even though the Bible doesn’t specifically mention online financial fraud, the Biblical principle expressed in another of the commandments says we are not to steal. Therefore online financial fraud is a sin and not compatible with Christianity.

There’s a long list of actions that are incompatible with our faith. As professing Christians, we are to be set apart from the world. Our lives are to glorify the Creator.

Having said that the Bible clearly condemns abortion, God’s word also has much to say about the repentant sinner. Those who have supported, promoted, or even participated in abortion can be restored to fellowship with Christ through a truly repentant heart. Every sin on earth can be washed clean with the blood of Christ. Even the sin of abortion.

We Christians of every denomination must call a sin a sin and offer Christ’s grace generously to repentant hearts. Together, we can truly make a difference.

Protecting LIFE,

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