
Stopping the Enemy

ve8QAd   |   February 18, 2021

Xavier Becerra

President Biden is assembling his cabinet and Xavier Becerra, his choice for Secretary of Health and Human Services, is the worst of the worse.

We need your urgent action to help prevent him from imposing his extreme pro-abortion agenda on the entire nation.

Where do we start?

Mr. Becerra is an enemy to every pro-life policy and law.

He demonstrates a complete disregard for pro-life religious and moral convictions.

As Attorney General of California Mr. Becerra:

  • Led the opposition against the title X Protect Life Rule that defunded Planned Parenthood of $60 million.[1]
  • Even after the US Supreme Court sided with Little Sisters of the Poor, took them and others to court to force them to provide abortifacient drugs in insurance plans.[2]
  • Called enforcement of a federal law “illegal” because it protected healthcare entities from being forced to participate in providing abortion.[3]
  • Targeted pro-life health centers and attempted to force them to direct women to abortion facilities.[4]
  • Tried to intimidate and prosecute investigative journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt after they exposed the sale of aborted baby body parts by Planned Parenthood.
  • Sought 14 felony charges against these journalists’ undercover work, which the Los Angeles Times Editorial Board called “a disturbing overreach.”[5]
  • Tried to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic by eliminating important FDA safety requirements from the chemical abortion pill that would lead to mail order abortions without medical oversight.
  • Called for funding research using tissue of aborted babies, falsely claiming there were no alternatives.[6]

As a member of Congress Mr. Becerra:

  • Voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that would stop late-term abortions when babies feel the excruciating pain.
  • Voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would require appropriate medical care be given to babies who survive late-term abortions.
  • Voted against the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act which would prevent forcing taxpayers to fund abortion.
  • Voted against the Partial Birth Abortion Act that ended the literal killing of babies during birth.[7]
  • Voted against the Unborn Victims of Violence Act which made it a crime to harm or kill an unborn baby while committing a violent crime.[8]

Please contact your senators and ask them to oppose the confirmation of Xavier Becerra as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Please do it today.


[1] Mr. Becerra lost in the 9th Circuit in February 2020. A request to review this decision was denied in May 2020. The Title X policy was allowed to resume March 4, 2020. See California v. Azar.
[2] The Little Sisters of the Poor won at the Supreme Court on July 8, 2020 in a similar case. Mr. Becerra’s case against the Little Sisters has been sent back to the 9th Circuit to be decided in light of this decision. See Little Sisters of the Poor v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
[4] Mr. Becerra lost at the Supreme Court, which found the law to be likely unconstitutional. See NIFLA v. Becerra.

Saving babies, protecting mothers,

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