Roe v Wade Legalized Abortion on Demand


Roe v Wade Legalized Abortion on Demand

Bradley Mattes   |   August 24, 2020

As children across America are going back to school, so are we with crucial lessons this week to help you be an effective ambassador for unborn babies.  If someone opposes reversing Roe v Wade, tell them this.  Roe and its companion case Doe v Bolton, legalized abortion throughout pregnancy by including a so-called health exception.  The Court then defined health as physical, mental, or even economic heath, which effectively allows abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy.  There are abortion mills that specialize in late-term abortion.  If you’d like to have more information on this topic, visit, then click on the top banner.  I’ve prepared a one-page downloadable document that equips you to change hearts and minds on abortion.

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