
Pregnant and Homeless

ve8QAd   |   June 03, 2020

“May” was pregnant and homeless. She had been surviving on the good will of friends—sleeping on their couches or in their cars. How did things become so desperate for her? May was kicked out of the home when her family found out she was pregnant.

Sadly, this isn’t a rare situation according to Carried To Full Term, the pro-life organization that took May in and cared for her needs.

Their offer of long-term housing to desperate women and a safe place to sleep is just the beginning.

Frances Robin, the home’s director, had spent years volunteering at pregnancy and rape centers that minister to women. She is all too familiar with the reasons why women reach such desperation.

Those who find their way to her maternity home are offered a host of additional resources. But they aren’t there to simply mark time until their babies arrive. Life is very structured with the goal to help them become responsible and self-sufficient. They benefit from:

      • Classes to prepare for and function within a work environment
      • Learning how to manage their own finances
      • The opportunity to return to or complete their education
      • Experiencing the ability to give back to their community by volunteering
      • Spiritual growth
      • Parenting classes
      • Setting goals and developing home skills

These women are being equipped to break a cycle of poverty and hopelessness, replacing it with confidence and self-worth.

Carried To Full Term is only one of many (and growing) pro-life organizations that minister to women, not just during their pregnancy and birth, but beyond so that they can fulfill their potential.

A survey of pro-life pregnancy resource centers uncovered some remarkable realities:

96% provide material assistance to pregnant women
87% offer parenting and other types of classes to better their lives
75% help mothers and fathers repair the shattered pieces of their lives when abortion’s emotional fallout comes crashing down around them.

Hundreds of maternity homes are willing and able to welcome homeless or otherwise desperate women into their protective havens.

What we admiringly call the “Service” component of the pro-life movement, provides a total public cost savings of over $161-million dollars to their communities.

A true legacy of life and love.

Thanks to them, we can refute the tired, old and false argument that pro-lifers only care about the “fetus” during pregnancy, not the mother or child after birth.

We are grateful for this opportunity to laud the many pro-life organizations and individuals who daily sacrifice for the benefit of others.

Sincerely for women and their babies,

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