Good Counsel Homes


Good Counsel Homes

Bradley Mattes   |   April 17, 2020

One of the nation’s Coronavirus hotspots is New York City, and in and around it, the work to help homeless pregnant and parenting women quietly continues.  In the face of lockdowns all around them, Good Counsel homes remain open, operating under new, safer guidelines.  Here’s where women can find a secure environment to learn parenting and other life skills.  Those without a high school diploma receive help returning to school and finding a job.  Chris Bell, one of its co-founders, and his team operate four homes.  In the face of uncertainty and fear, they’re reflecting the love of Christ and keeping their doors open to women who are homeless and desperate for help.  Good Counsel homes demonstrates the pro-life movement’s love for women and their babies.

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One thought on “Good Counsel Homes

  1. Empty Arms

    Oh, what a mother goes through,
    When she gives up baby blue.

    Days when I couldn’t get out of bed,
    Days full of nothing but dread.

    A broken heart seemingly beyond repair,
    Looking out the window with a hollow stare.

    Thinking about when I was a little girl,
    Dancing with dad, giving me a twirl.

    Why did everything turn out so wrong,
    Oh, to start over how I long.

    How can it be,
    I’ve lost part of me.

    Can I ever turn the page,
    Move beyond this painful stage?

    My heart broken in two,
    A deep shade of dark blue.

    God, I pray if you are real,
    It is the time for You to reveal.

    The emptiness seems beyond repair,
    Days like this, I just don’t care.

    Is there grace enough these days,
    Is it time to be the one who prays?

    Help me place my trust in You,
    By default, nothing else I can do.

    Is that a smile I see on Your face,
    Your love beyond time and space?

    I trust in eternity,
    Where I eventually long to be.

    You are the God of heaven and the second chance,
    Where my child and I will forever dance.

    A singer once sang in country lore,
    “These empty arms, I’ll have no more.”

    As JESUS holds me near,
    I wonder why I am here.
    The result of a wrong choice,
    Before a song came from my voice.
    I never left the starting gate,
    Never allowed to carry the weight.
    During the dark night of your soul,
    I wonder if you regret your role?
    Though critically wounded is your heart,
    It is never too late to make a new start.
    I pray for the mom I never knew,
    Handing her needs to Faithful and True.
    JESUS, bring her to her knees,
    Till Your love is all she sees.
    A woman broken in two,
    Does not have to be forever blue.
    I forgive my mom as I hand her to You,
    Love her, JESUS, like she never knew!

    If Only I Had Known
    I really did not have a clue,
    Would not have given up baby blue.
    Never dreamed she was a life,
    Could have ended years of strife.
    If I had known I carried a baby
    I would have at least said, “Maybe”.
    A child I never knew,
    The information was not true.
    If I could have made an informed choice,
    I would still be listening to her voice.
    Years of tears for a wrong decision,
    Given the truth I would have had a vision.
    An ultrasound would have given her a start,
    I just needed to see a beating heart.
    She would not have been ravaged,
    I would not be forever damaged.
    I lift up all my pain and loss,
    I gently set it at the foot of the cross.
    The Lord has mended my broken heart,
    I am blessed with a brand new start.
    So now I reach out to you,
    With the love of Faithful and True.

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