
Breakthrough Cure for Deadly Disease

ve8QAd   |   May 16, 2019

A diagnosis of Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) strikes fear into the hearts of patients and their families. It can be a debilitating and excruciatingly painful disease that often kills.

That is why a dramatic new breakthrough cure for SCA using adult stem cells is getting the attention of the medical community and ethnic populations targeted by the ailment.

This is truly an exciting development!

SCA affects approximately 100,000 people in the US. Half of adults with SCA die by the time they reach their early 40s.

It is an inherited condition predominantly found within the Black community; however, it is also common among the Hispanic population. It occurs when there is an abnormal protein in the red blood cells, which causes their deformation resembling a sickle.

These sickle-shaped red blood cells can get caught in or clog the blood stream which may cause pain, infection, anemia, stroke or other forms of an SCA crisis.

SCA’s onset is typically about five months of age when fetal hemoglobin no longer protects the red blood cells.

Until recently, there was no known cure. Treatments to prevent complications, deal with the symptoms or prolong life have primarily included two medications, Hydroxyurea and Endari, blood transfusions, increased fluid intake or pain meds.

But now adult stem cells are providing a cure to this punishing illness that affects so many of the population.

The future of Desiree Ramirez looked bleak until she experienced the miraculous effects of adult stem cells. She recalls many days of debilitating pain, treatments and hospital stays.

Adult stem cell treatment, however, requires an often-elusive donor match. Fortunately for Desiree there were two.

Charlotte Lozier Institute, which is part of Susan B Anthony List, has released a new brief (3½ minute) video featuring Desiree’s remarkable journey. It is the latest of several videos demonstrating the amazing results of adult stem cell treatments that don’t require the killing of human embryos to harvest the stem cells.

These videos, along with a wealth of resources and information are available on CLI’s specialized website, Stem Cell Research Facts.

Desiree’s cure has dramatically transformed her future. She no longer has to endure pain; she has more energy and feels like “a new person.”

This vibrant young woman has been accepted into nurse’s training. “I really want to help people,” she said. “I know what it’s like to be sick.” Desiree’s experience with SCA has nurtured within her an empathy for her future patients, and has produced the makings of an excellent nurse.

Adult stem cells are making a critical difference to millions of people regarding their quality and length of life – all without the need to kill human embryos to advance these miraculous treatments.

Protecting life,

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