
We’re Beating Them Almost 5 to 1

ve8QAd   |   March 21, 2019

Radical pro-abortion legislation in New York and other states may be stealing the headlines, but 2019 is turning out to be a banner year for pro-life legislation.

Based upon the likely outcomes of state legislation on both sides introduced in 2019, pro-life laws are passing nearly five to one over pro-abortion bills.

The efforts by pro-life grassroots and national organizations, state legislatures and governors are yielding a bumper crop of laws that will save untold numbers of babies while protecting their mothers.

A closer look explains how…

Information provided by my colleague, Sue Liebel, State Director with Susan B Anthony List, shows dramatic progress in advancing the pro-life mission through state legislation. These bills are either currently in the pipeline or have become law.

Legislation to end abortion when the unborn baby can feel the excruciating pain of abortion is working its way through the legislatures in Florida and Missouri.

Gestational protections for unborn babies at 18 weeks are in the making in Arkansas and Utah.

A law requiring parental consent before a minor daughter can have an abortion is pending in Florida.

A Heartbeat Bill which would prohibit abortion once the baby’s heartbeat can be detected has been undertaken in Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Georgia, Florida, Ohio, South Carolina and Mississippi.

Trigger laws that would end abortion upon the reversal of Roe v Wade include the states of Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota and South Dakota. Several other states already have them on the books.

Utah and Kentucky have passed bills to stop abortions motivated by discrimination, such as the condition of Down syndrome, gender, race or various disabilities. Pennsylvania is working on one.  

Bans on dismemberment abortion are in the making in Michigan and Indiana.

The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was introduced in the US Senate in response to radical pro-abortion legislation in New York and Virginia.  Kentucky passed their own. TheOhio Senate passed a resolution calling on Congress to pass the federal version.

A Kentucky bill requires reporting abortion information, and informing women of the abortion pill reversal option when they choose the chemical abortion pill.

Missouri’s Omnibus pro-life bill is comprised of the above categories and more. It’s the most comprehensive pro-life legislation I’ve ever seen!

Oklahoma is requiring the father’s written consent before a woman can abort his child.

South Carolina is defunding Planned Parenthood in its budget.

Arizona is working to pass a bill that would require parental consent before a hospital can place a do-not-resuscitate order on the chart of a minor.

In spite of its assumed passage, extreme legislation in New Mexico failed due to a bipartisan effort.

There have been tragic losses in the battle to end abortion.

New York went beyond Roe v Wade. It legalized abortion to birth, removed protections for babies who survive a late-term abortion and legally protects hack abortionists at the expense of women’s health and lives. The crimes that sent the Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell to prison for life, are now legal in New York.

Vermont’s legislation legalizes abortion to birth.

Rhode Island’s bill took legal abortion until birth a step further by funding Medicaid abortions.

If passed, Illinois’ will be the most pro-abortion law on the books, surpassing New York’s radical legislation. It would legalize both abortion to birth and the infanticide of babies who survive a late-term abortion.

In addition, it would force all private health insurance companies to cover abortion, with no exceptions for churches or religious organizations. It would also block access to state abortion records and statistics.

A second bill in Illinois would repeal parental notification before a minor’s abortion.

Massachusetts’ New York-style law is so extreme, they need to disguise its purpose. The bill would strip the terms “mother” and “unborn child” from the legal definitions of pregnancy and abortion.

There you have it. Pro-life legislation is passing almost five to one over pro-abortion bills. Let’s keep this life-saving momentum going. LIFE is winning!

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