Ireland Needs our Continued Prayers

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Ireland Needs our Continued Prayers

Bradley Mattes   |   May 11, 2018

There’s a crucial battle unfolding in Ireland to protect the nation’s unborn babies.  Pro-abortion activists are trying to pass a referendum to overturn the law protecting the preborn and legalizing abortion through the six month of pregnancy.  The situation is improving with polling turning toward the side of LIFE, but will it happen quickly enough?  The election is May 25th, and the lives of countless unborn children literally hang in the balance.  Ireland’s law prevents us from sending contributions, but we can do something much more valuable.  We can continue to pray for pro-lifers who are tirelessly working to save future generations.  Please pray until the day of voting that they’ll be able to reach enough hearts and minds with the truth about this pro-abortion campaign.

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