Adult Stem Cells Treat Cancer

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Adult Stem Cells Treat Cancer

Bradley Mattes   |   March 28, 2018

This week I’m sharing absolutely amazing results with adult stem cells that don’t require killing innocent human life.  Cindy Schroeder was constantly on the go, but now felt totally exhausted and had difficulty breathing.  She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that attacks vital organs.  With traditional treatment, survival is three to four years.  But Cindy had her own adult stem cells reinfused into her body after chemotherapy killed the bad cells.  Her diagnosis was March 2015, and treatment done five months later.  By January 2016, Cindy’s recovery was complete, and she leads an active life.  Watch her amazing story in a brief video by going to life issues dot org, then click on the microphone icon.  Be educated and equipped to defend human life!

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