Chronically Ill at Risk in Canada

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Chronically Ill at Risk in Canada

Bradley Mattes   |   September 15, 2017

Euthanasia is legal in Canada, and as expected, doctors are using it to off patients who they feel should be finished with life — such as Candice Lewis, a young girl with multiple disabilities.  Last September, doctors told her mom she was being selfish because she wouldn’t allow them to euthanize Candice.  What’s especially sweet about this story is Candice has been doing great since receiving good medical care.  She even joined her mom as they walked her sister down the aisle at her wedding.  But it doesn’t matter whether Candice made a recovery or not.  She is a precious gift from God and should be protected, not snuffed out.  Chronically ill patients are highly vulnerable in Canada with the quality-of-life police on the lookout for those who don’t measure up.

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