Charlie Gard

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Charlie Gard

Editor   |   July 25, 2017

Little Charlie Gard made international headlines as his parents fought the hospital and European court system for five months to seek experimental treatment for their son.  Contrary to some medical experts, the hospital and courts said Charlie was beyond help.  The worst part was London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital refused to allow the parents to move Charlie to a hospital that would at least try to help him.  This aggressive denial created controversy around the world.  Bioethicist Dr. John Haas said the hospital “immorally usurped” the parents’ rights.  In January Charlie had normal brain function.  Now, he’s deteriorated to the point of no return.  The parents are devastated and blame the hospital.  Please pray for Charlie’s family and be aware the trend in America also puts your parental rights at risk.

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