Rhonda White was a budding new journalist and very pro-abortion. She thought abortion was good for women because everything she heard and read said it was — until Rhonda witnessed an early suction abortion. It wasn’t the humanity of the baby that convinced her she was wrong about abortion. It was the reaction of the baby’s mother and father. The woman cried out over and over, “My baby, my baby!” Both parents experienced uncontrolled sobs of grief. In the blink of an eye, Rhonda realized she’d believed a lie. Abortion didn’t liberate women; it enslaved them and their partners to a life of grief. But we can help struggling parents, and equip churches to minister to anguished souls. Visit LifeIssues.org and click on the microphone icon. You can help end the pain.
If you or someone you know is emotionally struggling after an abortion, there is free help and resources for women and men.
If your church is interested in ministering to hurting mothers and fathers of aborted babies, resources are available. Statistically, there are multiple women and men who’ve been hurt by abortion in your church. The church is an excellent environment to help them. We also have resources for pastors to address the issue of abortion.
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