Donna’s Broken Heart

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Donna’s Broken Heart

Bradley Mattes   |   April 21, 2017

I sometimes get letters from mothers and fathers who’ve aborted their babies.  Recently a letter came from someone I’ll call Donna.  She relayed in detail an abortion forty years earlier, and she still carries some of its pain and anguish.  Donna also remembers the intense physical pain of the abortion in spite of being told there was nothing to it.  Donna laments she wasn’t warned of the many sleepless nights, or the feelings of guilt and despair she would carry for many years.  It’s only through the blood of Christ that she is finally whole again.  My heart aches for her and the many other parents who regret their abortions.  If you need to find healing after abortion, contact me through our website at life issues dot org and we’ll find you a free counselor nearby.

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