Euthanasia Leads to Blatant Abuses

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Euthanasia Leads to Blatant Abuses

Bradley Mattes   |   January 03, 2017

The people of Colorado recently legalized physician-assisted suicide.  In the event you think this is a good thing, let me show you what it’s leading to in other countries.  The Netherlands moved from assisted death to euthanasia.  Then they progressed to killing patients who were not only terminal but depressed.  They now kill infants suffering from things as minor as Down syndrome.  Most recently they’ve begun to euthanize alcoholics.  Mark was an alcoholic for eight years when he asked for and received euthanasia.  It’s logical to assume drug addicts are next.  This is what happens when society decides innocent human life is no longer sacred.  The so-called safeguards fall by the wayside and abuses multiply like rabbits.  No crystal ball required.  Just look at the history of the world.

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