Baby’s Stem Cells to the Rescue

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Baby’s Stem Cells to the Rescue

Bradley Mattes   |   January 11, 2017

During the nine months of pregnancy, a mother nurtures her unborn baby by providing warmth, oxygen and nutrition — not to mention untold love and care. But did you know the baby can return the favor? Research has shown the baby’s stem cells help repair physical harm in the mother’s body. During pregnancy if damage occurs to the mother’s organs, the baby sends stem cells to the affected area to help restore and heal. And the baby’s cells can linger in the mother for nearly three decades. The process is called feto-maternal micro-chimer-ism and scientists have been aware of it for years. The more we learn about the human body and all of God’s creation, the more obvious His presence becomes. All the more reason to cherish and protect each and every human life.

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