Pregnant Olympians who Medaled

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Pregnant Olympians who Medaled

Bradley Mattes   |   August 29, 2016

During the Olympics, Puerto Rican volleyball player, Diana Reyes was four months pregnant.  So Natalie Brumfield with Live Action compiled a list of others.  In nineteen-fifty-two Juno Stover-Irwin was over three months when she won Bronze for diving.  In Ninety-two Khatuna Lorig was four months when she won bronze in archery.  Lisa Brown-Miller’s hockey team rubbed her two-month pregnant belly before the ninety-eight game when they took gold.  Anky Van Grunsven, who holds the record for most medals won by an equestrian athlete, was four months in twenty-0-four.  Kristie Moore was over five months when she won silver in curling.  And there are more.  These women show expectant mothers everywhere they don’t have to choose abortion to maintain a career.

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