Abortion Mill Gets Architectural Award

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Abortion Mill Gets Architectural Award

Bradley Mattes   |   August 26, 2016

The American Institute of Architects gave an award to Planned Parenthood in Queens, New York.  The new abortion mill was lauded for being “bold,” “welcoming” and “sophisticated.”  Just think about this for a minute.  They gave a place that intentionally kills innocent preborn children an award for having a visually pleasing environment.  Imagine if they had given a similar award to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland.  They might admire the visual beauty of the cobblestone streets between the heatless winter barracks; marvel at the practicality of the electrified barbed wire fencing; or praise the efficient design of the guard towers to make sure nobody escaped with their lives.  It’s no different to give this award to Planned Parenthood than it would to bestow it on Auschwitz.

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