Only the First Step

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Only the First Step

Bradley Mattes   |   May 26, 2016

Early last year Canada’s Supreme Court came down with the Roe versus Wade decision of euthanasia.  In other words, they blatantly legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide by striking down existing laws against it.  Then the Court ordered parliament to pass acceptable legislation by June six.  Talk about legislating from the bench!  Now with ultra-liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a dangerous bill with vague wording and phony safeguards has been introduced.  Even so, the more liberal members are criticizing the legislation doesn’t go far enough.  Not to worry says Trudeau, “This is the first step.”  Clearly, the most vulnerable Canadians, besides unborn babies, are at serious risk for being euthanized without their permission or against their will.  Please pray for their safety.

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