Doritos and the Baby

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Doritos and the Baby

Bradley Mattes   |   February 10, 2016

The Super Bowl gets tons of attention, in-part because it generates so much income in television ads.  And companies showcase their products with unique ads.  This year one of the top favorites was the Dorito ad with the father munching on his favorite snack during his pregnant wife’s ultrasound appointment.  Wherever dad moved the Dorito chip, his child on ultrasound reached for it.  But NARAL, a radical pro-abortion group hated the ad.  They attacked the commercial for “humanizing the fetus.”  In other words, they humanized the human.  I’m glad this happened because it showcases how out of touch pro-aborts are with science and medicine.  Plus there was a huge backlash. Pro-aborts want everyone kept in ignorance no matter what—whatever it takes to keep abortion on demand legal.


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