Which countries are guilty of the most murders of their own people? I don’t mean deaths in combat. I mean citizens systematically outright killed.
Germany under Hitler? Russia under Stalin? Likely candidates, for sure.
The top contender probably won’t surprise you, but the first runner-up will.
China holds the distinction under Chairman Mao, with as many as 70 million deaths, including deaths from forced famine, during his nightmarish 28-year reign.
Of course, the killing continued after Mao’s death in 1976. China’s One-Child Policy of forced abortion, enacted three years later, has added an estimated 336 million innocent dead to China’s hideous tally.
America is second, in the company of communist China. And tragically our body count is growing. The USA has legally sanctioned —and helped fund—58,586,256 innocent deaths by abortion since 1973. And pro-abortion activists have sunk lower than a snake’s belly (my Montana upbringing shining through) by abandoning any fake sadness over the “rare” need for abortion to outright celebrating those deaths as a social good. This week one activist ended her tweet with “Happy #Roe Anniversary.”
Mother Teresa famously said, “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”
Mao had a different approach: “It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”
Planned Parenthood’s new annual report applauds the young “Generation Healthy,” which it describes as “Safe, Smart, Connected, Strong, Global.” They launched the Power Tour and Youth Organizing Policy Institute, which “trained and mobilized a whopping 1,000 young activists” who “honed their activist chops,” and worked with partners “to motivate over 12,500 young people” to “become more civically engaged.”
“Civically engaged” youth, “strong” and “global.”
Mao had his youth movement too. And they had the same aim. One Red Guard leader wrote:
“First we will make China red from inside out and then we will help the working people of other countries make the world red. . . . And then the whole universe.”
On Friday I’ll be in Washington, DC, to participate in the annual March for Life. And young people are joining our cause too—but in far, far greater numbers. Of the more than 100,000 marchers, an easy two-thirds are 25 and younger. And their passion for LIFE cannot be matched by those advocating coercion and death.
Pro-lifers work all year to save babies and help their moms and dads by volunteering at pregnancy help centers, contacting legislators, raising funds and more. It’s not just a demonstration. It’s a way of life.
But this one time each year we gather to remind the president, Congress and US Supreme Court that this collective government has sanctioned and paid for the deaths of millions of its own people. And in the face of this human carnage, hundreds of thousands of adults and young people throughout the nation are sending a clear, unmistakable message that we’re not going away until the job is done.
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