
We Don’t Care. No Matter What.

ve8QAd   |   December 09, 2015

To hear Planned Parenthood officials tell it, their organization is robed in white, standing righteous guard over helpless women with stainless steel forceps and scissors, fending off the “violent rhetoric” of evil pro-lifers.

Abortion industry headlinesBut there’s nothing righteous or stainless about Planned Parenthood, and I don’t need rhetoric of any kind to prove it. All I need is an Internet search engine.

Here’s a sampling of headlines just since August:

South Carolina: “Planned Parenthood Faces $51,000 in Fines for Dumping Aborted Babies in Public Landfill”

Pennsylvania: “Planned Parenthood Incurs Violations for Storing Aborted Babies in Janitor’s Closet”

Florida: “Surprise inspections catch 3 Planned Parenthood clinics doing illegal abortions”

Texas: “Texas Strips Planned Parenthood of Medicaid Funds Due to ‘Acts of Misconduct’”

Illinois: “How Safe is My Clinic?”

Indiana: “Indiana Health Department Says State Abortion Clinics Put Women’s Lives at Risk”

Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota and Ohio: “New ADF Report Details Planned Parenthood’s History of Failure to Report Rape of Young Girls”

I didn’t have to dig for these headlines. My search engine served them up, and many more, in less than half a second. And the list goes back years.

Let’s look behind the headlines.

Investigators in South Carolina discovered three abortion facilities, including Planned Parenthood, had dumped babies’ bodies in the local landfill. The regional president of Planned Parenthood was “surprised and dismayed,” but not at the thought of babies being treated like garbage. She was upset at the size of the fine: $7,500. “We hold ourselves to high standards and take swift action to address any shortcomings,” she said.

So they claim. Once they’re caught.

In Philly, babies’ bodies weren’t thrown in the trash. They were dumped into containers stacked up in the janitor’s closet. Other babies were found decomposing in bags.

Illinois Right to Life reports that not one Planned Parenthood facility in that state has been inspected since 1999. It’s been 16 years since any state agency responsible for safeguarding women’s health poked around the closets and trash cans in those buildings.

In Texas, “acts of misconduct” is a sanitized way to describe changing abortion procedures to retrieve more intact organs for sale (a violation of law). In addition to Medicaid violations, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission said Planned Parenthood “had put Texans at risk of infection.”

And a September report from Alliance Defending Freedom ticked off one incident after another where Planned Parenthood turned a blind eye to sexual abuse of minors and failed to protect those young girls by reporting their abusers to authorities.

That’s not “Care. No Matter What.” That’s “We Don’t Care. No Matter What.”

[tweetthis]That’s not “Care. No Matter What.” That’s “We Don’t Care. No Matter What.”[/tweetthis]


Links to the headlines listed above and others are posted on our website. Read the news there, or search on your own. And today I’ve just talked about a few of the industry’s many health and safety violations. I haven’t even touched on the Medicaid fraud rampant in the abortion industry. You’ll find links to those recent headlines on the website as well. We’ll add to both lists as news breaks.

Share this list of horrors with those who try to defend Planned Parenthood by saying, “They do some good stuff.” Is the so-called “good stuff” worth overlooking piles of dead bodies, health and safety violations, jeopardizing women’s lives and defrauding millions of taxpayers?

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