Illegal Mobile Abortion Mill Stopped in SC

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Illegal Mobile Abortion Mill Stopped in SC

Bradley Mattes   |   October 22, 2015

How many times have you heard abortion has to be kept legal to prevent dangerous illegal abortions? In South Carolina abortion is legal and Planned Parenthood’s handsomely paid for killing children. Then they make even more selling the body parts. Even so, police arrested an abortionist and his wife in an illegal mobile abortion mill. The abortionist was unlicensed and they found tools with blood and tissue on them. The wife was charged with intent to distribute marijuana. Spartanburg Country Sheriff Chuck Wright boldly stated at a press conference, “We got an illegal baby killer,” and later added, “We’ve just got to pray about it.” Thanks Sheriff, and I might add, so much for the pro-abortion argument that legal abortion will protect women from dangerous illegal ones.

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