
Care. No Matter What.

ve8QAd   |   August 13, 2015

A few years ago I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, where millions died because the Nazis arbitrarily deemed them worthless: Jews, Poles, Soviet POWs, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, the disabled and more. Decades later it still had the feel of death.

I remember the horrifying photos I saw there—bodies piled up, tangled arms and legs. Then, in recent videos, I saw images of dismembered babies in glass dishes in Planned Parenthood’s back rooms. To be honest, I don’t see any difference. Regarding both the death camps of Auschwitz and Planned Parenthood, I felt compelled to seek an answer to the same chilling question.

In my article about that visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau, I wrote:

It was in these buildings Nazi soldiers spent many long days exterminating thousands of prisoners, but then went home to their wives and children nearby as if they had just spent an average day at the office. The soldiers’ children would run to their fathers, welcoming them home, and the hands that just moments before had committed such murderous acts would pick them up in a loving embrace.

How could they do that? How could they turn off what they did inside the barbed wire after stepping outside the barbed wire?

I have to ask the same question about people who work at Planned Parenthood: how do they go home, hug their children, fix dinner and maybe go to soccer practice as if nothing happened? As if they weren’t, day after day, killing and harvesting body parts of children deemed to be worth more dead than alive?

I can only speculate that they somehow build a wall around their hearts and minds. They laugh or make a joke—maybe that helps them stay blind to what they do. But they aren’t robots. Surely, somewhere, somehow, they know.

StemExpress technicians track the gestation of patients at their assigned Planned Parenthood on a given day.

In the video released yesterday by the Center for Medical Progress, the sixth exposing Planned Parenthood’s barbaric trafficking of baby body parts, Holly O’Donnell describes her typical workday as a former procurement technician for one of the buyers, StemExpress. She would check StemExpress’s list of orders, get a record of patients from the head nurse and make the rounds, seeking consent from the mothers to harvest their babies’ parts.

“You’d see how many opportunities you had on the sheet,” she said. “It’s just taking advantage of opportunities.” And apparently often the “opportunities” were taken without consent.

Co-workers I had would not consent [ask permission of] the donors. If there was a higher gestation and the technicians needed it, there were times where they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. There was no way they would know.

The women I worked for were cold. Just cold. They don’t care. They just wanted the money. They didn’t care that the girl was throwing up in the trash can, crying. And even there were times too when patients who came in crying, and they would ask me, “Should I do this? Should I be doing this?”

I’m not going to tell a girl to kill her baby just to get money. And that’s what this company does. Straight up, that’s what this company does.

And yet Planned Parenthood proudly displays its slogan: “Care. No Matter What.”

I’ll never agree that abortion, stealing body parts and then selling them for profit is “Care.” But these last few weeks have made abundantly clear the meaning of “No Matter What.” In truth, Planned Parenthood’s slogan is no better than the Nazi euphemisms “final solution” and “special treatment.”

[tweetthis]These last few weeks have made abundantly clear the meaning of “No Matter What.”[/tweetthis]


Pro-lifers urge compassion for women who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy. They’re often scared, with no idea where to turn. But while we say “love them both,” Planned Parenthood is all too willing to overlook their hesitation—Should I do this? Should I be doing this?—and rush them through an abortion. Of course, Planned Parenthood isn’t around when the emotional damage starts to take its toll and their lives fall apart.

Planned Parenthood is happy to use ultrasound to guide their instruments to supply “specimens” to order. But they fight laws that let a woman see her ultrasound before she makes a decision that will affect the rest of her life. They resist meeting standards for ambulatory surgery centers and refuse to acknowledge research showing abortion is a risk factor for breast cancer.

This latest video made it abundantly clear that Planned Parenthood doesn’t care about women in the slightest. All they’re concerned with is filling their bank account with blood money—even when it comes to stealing the body parts of women’s babies, incredible as that sounds. The unmistakable truth is that Planned Parenthood isn’t pro-women. Pro-lifers are.

I’ve asked you to contact your legislators. We have a petition you can sign to boycott United Way until they stop funding Planned Parenthood. We’ve talked a lot about voting pro-life. All of that’s very good and necessary.

But today I ask you to push your compassion beyond scared pregnant women and innocent babies, deserving as they are. Stretch your heart to encircle the women and men who work at Planned Parenthood and places like StemExpress. Include women who believe the lie that abortion empowers them. Stretch further to include pro-abortion elected officials who continue to back Planned Parenthood.

Pray for them all. Where abortion is concerned, we must care, no matter who.

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