
No Lamborghinis for Planned Parenthood

ve8QAd   |   July 21, 2015

“I want a Lamborghini.”

So joked Mary Gatter in this new video of yet another Planned Parenthood lunch negotiation about the sale of baby body parts.

And to be sure she gets “more whole specimens,” she’s willing to ask the abortionist to use “a less crunchy technique.” If there’s no difference in the level of pain for the patient, Gatter says, she doesn’t think they’ll mind “one iota.”

She acknowledges that doing so might violate patient care protocol, but she’s OK with that: “Now to me that’s kind of a specious little argument.”

In the next day or so, when Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards makes another video telling you Gatter is just “a staff member,” you’ll know this: Gatter is the medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley in California and president of the Medical Directors’ Council, the central committee of all Planned Parenthood affiliate medical directors.

Planned Parenthood wants you to believe that any money they receive in the transfer of baby body parts is for reimbursement only. Reimbursement denotes being paid back for expenses that were incurred. There’s no negotiation. You submit receipts and the person or company who’s paying your expenses pays you back.

Yet Gatter repeatedly negotiates the price of “specimens.” Describing arrangements with a middleman company called Novogenix, Gatter says the rep would come in and “look at the tissue and take what she required. So logistically it was very easy for us. We didn’t have to do anything.”

She doesn’t want to “lowball,” she says. They discuss $75, then $100. Finally, the undercover actor asks, “And have we agreed the $100 will make you happy?”

And Gatter looks away, says, “I think so,” and then negotiates further: “Let me agree to find out what other affiliates in California are getting, and if they’re getting substantially more, then we can discuss it then. . . . If this in the ballpark, then it’s fine, and if it’s still low then we can bump it up.”

And while she says the money isn’t the important thing, the negotiations continue as the actor-buyer reminds her, “It’s one of the first things you brought up, right?”

And Gatter jokes about the Lamborghini.

Watch the video. Understand how decayed the soul of Planned Parenthood is, and what it means for America that this organization is not only funded by the daily work of taxpayers but celebrated and applauded at the highest levels of our government.

Watch it. Understand it. And fight back.

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